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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. +Support Hopefully you still have staff.
  2. +Support Guidelines NEED to be in place for these disguises.
  3. [GL] Fizz-y Soda


    Name: Fizzy Soda Rank: 1LT Callsign: C0LA Date of LOA Leave/Return: 10/27-10/30 Reason (if private write N/A): Can't be on for a few days. Will still be available for question and pings on Discord tho. Just can't get on in game.
  4. -Support You reached threshold. It's only for a few hours. Wait it out.
  5. lmao this is kinda funny. +Support because i don't think a blacklist is the proper punishment, unless other evidence surfaces. DNT makes sense
  6. We had a command meeting about statements like this, and they were ruled not that bad. But if the person had an issue with it, it's best talk with both parties so both have an understanding. Jumping straight to a warn will only cause problems. Not everyone enjoys it, but if no one can make simple jokes, it'll be a very stale experience and everyone will have to worry about every little thing they do. It's not a good environment like that. Please talk to each other first. If that doesn't solve the issue, then continue with sits, and let staff handle it. If you don't feel capable of confronting that person, let staff know before hand, and let them know you just want them to get a verbal. also panda, saying it once is good enough. no need to repeat it over and over again. That's how you upset people. Not leaving any support on this one.
  7. Format ? Use the provided format for appeals. You'll get nothing but people telling you that until you fix it. -Support
  8. To my understanding, this was a recent change. Not everyone is aware.
  9. This will be my last response since I've already left my support. Staff HAVE to follow their guidelines regarding certain incidents. LTAP is always a 3 day ban no matter what. Yes, 1 day seems more reasonable, but you have an LTAP, therefore 3 day ban for your account. You can continue to try and appeal it or try to get it reduced, but more than likely you'll have to wait the 3 days. Good luck.
  10. This happens a lot and parenting isn't easy. I do agree that people should be responsible for who is on their computer while they're away, but a 3 day ban? I would have expected a gensec BL or even a DNT. straight 3 day? Edit: Just saw you LTAP. Changing support. -Support.
  11. -support it's crazy how you get wet when it rains huh?
  12. +Support 1 Week is too long. I agree that a warn, or even just a 1 day ban would have been more reasonable.
  13. I really don't feel like the whole hiding on ledge thing breaks the rules but I guess it's up to how staff feel on it. Regardless, elevator needs a lot of work done. Major +Support.
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