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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. -Support Suppose you were being chased down, then you walked into a non-rp zone. Sorry bud. You can't be doing that.
  2. -support 3 days to catch up my guy.
  3. -/+support People can use it for events if ET decides to have fire in their events. It also doesn't hurt anyone by it being there. Honestly don't see it as an issue.
  4. -Support I understand why you are upset, especially that this is a hot topic in the world right now. However, from a command point of view, there really isn't much to take from the evidence provided. A verbal was the punishment to best fit the situation. He knowingly made a joke in poor taste, but I think you're expecting too harsh of a punishment. People that receive week bans, receive these banks because the racist is blatant. This wasn't exactly that.
  5. -Support The disadvantage alone is a good reason enough to not do this. The con out weighs the pro tenfold. Its better for people to accept having to wait the regular NLR, than to have everyone deal with the minges that get on this job.
  6. Fr? I searched the ID and got result for the altbot. Strange.
  7. Possibly. Depends on what other info is found. I drop a +Support
  8. -/+support Very active in CI. Shows plenty initiative and commitment. Given a chance I think they'll do well, but I can't vouch for his knowledge of the rules. Leaning towards + though.
  9. +support The only crime payton is guilty of is asking for money
  10. +Support Active on CI. Haven't had any problem ever. I believe they should be given a chance given they take time to understand the rules. I've seen less qualified people get staff. Bingus can do the job well.
  11. Yes? We have the same perspective of the swep. Not sure where you are confused. Adding on, what you said made me think of something. How long after you look away will the swep go black to idle? Does it only work when being looked at?
  12. If possible, do some extensive testing on this add-on to check performance hits. Otherwise, if it can actually tell whether you have been seen, it will prevent any warns, as 096 is warn simulator. Also follow format. +Support
  13. The word "or" is being tossed around, and that's where he is confused and I fully agree to the confusion. Basically the statement as is, says that you can break out after 5 mins. It doesn't state you ALSO have to be alone. That's why using "or" is so confusing because only one of the two conditions have to be met. So technically, per MOTD, you can break out the instant you are left alone. If you have been cuffed for 5 minutes, you can break out. Regardless of being accompanied. However, this isn't correct as you will get in trouble. You have to have been alone, AND 5 minutes must have elapsed before you can breakout without consequences. Also, breaking out with people around is 100% pointless because they can just FearRP you again then cuff, restarting the timer. This is why people say "you're always under fearRP when cuffed." Basically, the rule needs to get re-written, or everyone needs a wake up call that the rule has not been being followed as intended. TL;DR SMT should clear this up.
  14. +support Please anything. Even if it's worse, i don't care. I'm just really getting bored of combat because it's always shotguns and LMGS. I wanna use ARs... It's been a while since the last major weapon damage change. (since site 05 i believe unless there's been another I'm unaware about)
  15. +support Make 173 playable please. It's literally in a spot with the most traffic. Nearly impossible to have a good time on that job.
  16. You probably should have tried appealing any possible warnings you could before reaching 40 since you say they're mostly from 2019. Having reached 40 indicates that you fail to comply to the rules after several chances, causing a perma ban. Doesn't matter how much you donate, that won't matter. Since you didn't appeal any, they just sat there and now it came back to bite you in the rear. Unfortunate. I would suggest that you plea your case a little better if you really want to get unbanned because right now there isn't much to show for it. People go based of the surface details and don't bother looking into you more than what's on your record so you'll probably be bombed with negative supports. If you really claim most of your warns are from two years ago, explain the most recent ones more, including the one that got you banned. Even if it's something simple as an NLR warn. If you cannot follow something simple like that, even after all your previous warns from two years ago, I can almost guarantee that you will have a hard time getting this appeal accepted. Maybe on your next one you would have more luck. Overall, I wish you luck. -Support
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