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Knight [GL]

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Everything posted by Knight [GL]

  1. - Support You created your forums account today The app itself looks rushed with little effort Question 15 is inadequate No poll
  2. +Support If it was a mistake than no harm no foul have someone remove the warn
  3. +/- Support Good Application Low Forum Count OG of GL
  4. +Support I have seen the model personally, it looks better than the trooper model
  5. As a Senior Agent of Inferno Squad, I understand why he can get removed for the OOC stuff very unprofessional. The actions involving Snar I don't think is why you got removed I am 100% Your removal was the of the Stuff in OOC he must of got reports from it earlier I am sure that the Image of Snar related to that probably was the last stand with you and most likely decided you aren't worth of Inferno Squad I can't really say or do anything else but what you can get out of me is a +/- Support since I don't want to choose sides.
  6. I think it is a good idea but it should be looked over more in depth
  7. +Support Adds RP Would look much better to see uniforms and not pilot gear all the time
  8. MEGA +Support Super Serious Great NCO would be a better Officer Leads the troopers to victory Has experience
  9. +Support Good Application From my Hearings great Medic Seen in game as a serious RP'r Mature
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