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Everything posted by Mint

  1. +Support -very tactile in combat - good man - very active - can be the right guy to do things
  2. In Game Name: Mint Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:108055459 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: 05-13 because he is one of the most active 05 council. How many Strikes do you have: I have no strikes (except for utility cuz i missed a meeting) Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: The reason i would like to join the 05 staff team is due to the fact i want to have a really good experience when it comes to scprp and guarding 05 council staff. I have always wanted to be apart of A1 (when it was a branch) and i was planning to join it before A1 got removed. I have always liked all my higher ups/ Council members. Escorting people like the 05 is very important due to the fact most CI like to grab them and take them in for interrogations and i wont let that happen due to my outstanding combat skills. I am really active and i am on almost 24/7 and nothing gets in the way of my activity. I dedicate my time, loyalty, and activity into this server and i think i am fit for RRH! Why should we accept you: I have always been a really good member in MTF branches and ive climbed the ranks quite high in Nu7. I am really good when it comes to combat and protecting people during CI raids, scp breaches, and D-Class riots. I want to escort my 05 Council member as soon as they get on and do a great job of it. I was always good at taking orders and giving orders and helping others grow in branches. I want to protect the most important people in the foundation and do whatever it takes to do so.
  3. Not bad its a good idea i mean security should get this and maybe utility but i don know about mtf so its a +/-
  4. i mean if we gon get rid of some cc's mind as well give their damn money back as its technically a scam
  5. What you want to see? - I want a MTF TeamSpeak ops channel for all of MTF to use incase we all need to communicate at once. Some of us dont even use channel 4 on the MTF radio. Why should we add it? - For better communications when it comes to last stance and mass d class riots and scp breaches and if we just all wanna talk at once if we are not doing anything What are the advantages of having this? - MTF Can communicate better and help recontain the facility when it goes to hell Who is it mainly for? - All of MTF Links to any content - N/A
  6. +support i didnt buy a rank for nothing smh if im not allowed to even spawn props ill get a refund of my rank and its the biggest scam evr
  7. -support not that good of an app Rang r they open then?
  8. Lore Name: Mint Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:108055459 Rank: Researcher Activity Level: 10/10 S E C O ND
  9. ...................................................... *anger noises* my man i was gonna do thissssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XLFYiLRFgidYv_pY3ysmW1b3-x8Jhki33eCT3_FgukU/edit
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q6xaU3dh_lsmUR588VNXYnbxg1AyWfoMNVnSUpzOPOs/edit
  12. Research shouldnt count as a life till command in my opinion. Reason is i wanna be in research and many other do as well but with the 2 life rule nobody can be in the certain branch they wanna be in such as research. So i think the rule should change where researc hwont count as a lif etill cmd+
  13. -Support D class are d class they can do whatever they want whenever they want, thats like saying d class cant riot.
  14. +support hes done this many times
  15. - support The ofc was barely even in spawn and he had a gun out
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