I would like to see the addition of a Ground Armor Job specifically for SF, during off map events SF do not do much as all as most of the time they are unable to fly. With the addition of this, much like Naval had, they will be able to contribute more on the battlefield and make events less boring for them. It is a simple class with simple guns, just a bit stronger than a normal SF. I would also like there to be no buy-able option for TIE Fighters, VTOLs, etc for this class as it is specifically for ground use only.
Job Name: Starfighter Ground Armor [Event Only]
Model Path: models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_01/pilot_imperial_orig_01.mdl
Weapon Kit: rw_sw_bino_dark , cross_arms_swep , rw_sw_tl40 , alydus_fusioncutter , garde_a_vousv1.1 , dradio , rw_sw_t21 , rw_sw_s5c
Health: 300
Armor: 100
Description (Optional): N/A