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Everything posted by TheBrigand

  1. +Support Trust me guys - The knives are gonna get old fast. I'm already sick of them - Every time I've come to D Block it's a riot and Gensec are having a ton of trouble taking it back. The thing is that it's very easy to close the distance between a gesnec and a d class. If we have several D Class on the server, rioting is very very easy, especially with supplied guns. D Class needs some kind of nerf or it's not gonna be fun for anyone. Gensec will just keep it on a permanent hands-up, and I wouldn't blame them for it.
  2. Grade: (B-) (80) Test Quality: Standard Lore: 10/20: Didn't really write any background on the SCP. Didn't describe it at all. Creativity: 20/20: This is a creative idea. Presentation: 10/20: Nothing done to enhance the presentation and it's not in a proper format. Writing: 40/40: Nothing really wrong with writing - On the short side however. Final Thoughts: I think this series of testing i an interesting one. I like the idea of interviewing SCP-049 about whether he has knowledge of other SCPs. If you are going to do a test like this however, please put it in a more appropriate and extensive format. Please give background information on both SCPs involved.
  3. Grade: (B-) (82) Test Quality: Standard Lore: 10/20: Didn't really write any background on the SCP. Didn't describe it at all. Creativity: 20/20: This is a very creative idea. Presentation: 15/20: Nothing done to improve presentation Writing: 37/40: Nothing really wrong with writing. Not really in complete sentences however. Final Thoughts: I mean I really like the idea - It's pretty funny. There just wasn't a ton of effort put into writing the test log. Quality of quantity.
  4. +Support I have known Clef for as long as I have been in research. I know he's been in the branch for a very long time. He helped me a lot when I was just getting promoted and moving up in the ranks in research. I personally have never had any bad experiences with him, not have I seen him being mingy or disrespectful before. I think that he would be a good fit for the position and I think that he has the right intentions for wanting to join the O5 team.
  5. +Support I think you should probably try to reapply at a different time. The fact that you just rejoined medical after not being active on medical for a long time makes me feel like you're only doing all this just for a special designation and is a major red flag TBH. I'm also not sure your general attitude is really right for this position. The fact that you have 11 warns is also not a good sign either...
  6. Agreed - And I don't think you could really argue that it even goes against lore thaaat much Also I think we can say that if someone shoots 096, that means they looked at him anyway - How can you shoot something you didn't aim at and look?
  7. Grade: (B-) (80) Test Quality: Standard Lore: 10/20: Didn't really write any background on the SCP. Didn't describe it at all. Creativity: 20/20: This is a creative idea. Presentation: 15/20: Besides image, nothing else done to improve presentation Writing: 35/40: Nothing really wrong with writing. Not really in complete sentences however. Final Thoughts: Next time, write a bit more on background research and describe how you carried out the test in a bit more detail. Think about it like you are an actual scientist performing a test. Visual evidence is nice, but I would consider trying to write in a longer and more descriptive format if you want to receive a really good grade. Quality over quantity!
  8. Grade: [75] [C] Test Quality: Standard Lore: 10/20: So you didn't really add any section that describes the SCP. Your test doesn't go against lore, but it would be nice to see an actual description Creativity: 5/20: This is not a creative test. Just feeding people to the SCP Presentation: 10/20: Nothing done to improve the presentation. Writing: 40/40: Nothing wrong here Final Thoughts: Not a very creative test and not much effort put into it. Next time try to either spruce up your presentation or make a more in depth log. Remember - Quality over quantity. It's better to write one test with effort than ten with no effort.
  9. As long as it doesn't turn into a bunch of D Class MRDming - I'm all for it! +support
  10. Grade: [85] Test Quality: Standard Lore: 10/20: So I have the same thing to say about this that I did on your last log. For the background research section, you're basically just saying - "I did background research" At least in this log you mentioned more of what your background research included, but it would be good to see an actual description of the SCPs. Because it's slightly better, I will give an extra 5 points to this score. Creativity: 20/20: This is a creative test. I like the idea of trying to use 999's eyes to contain 173. Presentation: 20/20: Gonna quote myself from your last log since your presentation/format is the same - "TBH I'm kinda conflicted about this one. From an objective point of view, you obviously spent some time putting your log in a google doc and formatting it a bit. You also changed text colors. From a subjective point of view however, your choice of format/presentation doesn't really sit well with me. I mean basically it's something that could have more or less been pasted form the forums into a google doc. The font is also super big in my opinion. You did include a audio log which I like. However, since you clearly put time into it, I'm not going to subtract any points for my subjective taste." Writing: 35/40: Gonna quote myself again from your last test log since I have pretty much the exact same feedback - "There are a lot of problems with the writing that I feel could be fixed if you read it over once. First of all, the sentence structure is pretty confusing and poorly organized and sounds more like a stream of consciousness than a test log that was thought out and organized. Next time proof read the log. This being said, it's not terrible and there is certainly a lot of content in your log and your punctuation is good. Your audio log as really good though!" Final Thoughts: Just try to organize your thoughts a bit better and improve your background research section Otherwise, this is a good test!
  11. Grade: (F) (45) Test Quality: Sub-Standard Lore: 10/20 I mean you explained the two SCPs from what I can understand. Your language is so poor it's hard to make sense of most of it. I don't think SCP-049 would try to cure SCP-999 in the lore. Creativity: 15/20 A fairly creative test I suppose. Technically I don't think you are really allowed to do tests that put 999 in danger however. That being said, I think it would be interesting to see the effect 999 would have n 049. Presentation: 10/20 Nothing done to improve the presentation of this test log Writing: 0/40 Most of this is very difficult to understand. I'm not sure if English is your second language, but I had an extremely difficult time reading this log. A LOT of the words are just wrong. Like you use "colleges" instead of "colleagues", you said "scene" instead of what I assume you meant to be "seen" which even in that case should have been "see"; "Stooping" instead of "stopping" etc. etc. If English is not your first language, I'm not sure if I can really offer you any constructive advice beyond that. Maybe try google translate? Final Thoughts: Overall, not a bad test idea. But I can't in good conscious give this a Standard score given how poorly it is written. Try to take a bit more time next time you write a test log to proof read it. Maybe have someone else in research take a look at it first if they would be willing? You've got the right idea, but the log is poorly executed.
  12. -support. This will ridiculously buff Gensec. Given their new branch update which improves their weapons, and their new structure in upper D block, this is not the right time for this, at least not without significant restrictions.
  13. - Support. I've never seen a D Class do this. And I'm always in D Block
  14. I think there's a bit of confusion. RRH is also meant to escort O5 Research Staff as well, in addition to escorting O5 Council. So there is a demand for RRH , even when no O5 Council may be on.
  15. What you want to see? The roster size for Red Right Hand and O5 Research Staff revised. I think that the O5 Research team should have 6 roster slots instead of 8 as originally planned and the Red Right Hand to have 2-4 more slots added to compensate. Why should we add it? Because as of now, I feel like we will have a problem with the amount of escorts available for O5 Staff and O5 Council. I've seen times when there are like 3 O5 researchers and only 1 Red Right Hand on and I feel like there should always be more Red Right Hand on than there are O5 Staff or O5 Council which given the current roster size, there may not be. Furthermore, I worry that there will be a lot of dangerous tests happening at the same time which could create massive problems for the facility in the future. For example, with a lot of O5 Researchers, there could be situations where one O5 researcher is doing a 106 test, and another is doing a 682 test, and another is doing a 939 test etc. all at the same time. Because of the tremendous power that the O5 Research team has in terms of testing abilities, I think it would be smart to limit the size of this group appropriately. There are also a significantly larger amount of Red Right Hand Applications than O5 Researcher Applications which indicates that there is greater demand for slots within the Red Right Hand, and more people who would be active under the role! What are the advantages of having this? Increasing the size of Red Right Hand would ensure that all O5 and O5 Staff have proper escorts and there wouldn't be times where there are people in need of escorts. Decreasing the size of the O5 Research team would also help this problem and would also ensure that there aren't too many dangerous tests happening at the same time that could possible put the facility in great danger. Who is it mainly for? The safety of the entire facility, O5 Staff, Red Right Hand, and O5 Council
  16. BIIIG +SUPPORT. I've known Marty for a little while and I think he'd be perfect for this. I know he was trying to find some new stuff to do in the facility and was considering joining research / other branches and I think this would be a great place for him. I know Marty as a guy who is reliable and takes his job seriously, whatever that job may be. This guy takes the server seriously and doesn't minge. I mean he literally counts down his NLR (What a nerd) . My experiences with him from research have only been good and I think he would make a great addition to the team! -Dedicated to the server -Genuinely nice guy -Takes his job seriously -Not a minge
  17. So since my last comment on your previous application, I had my first actual interaction with you which unfortunately confirmed my -support. Yesterday I was trying to do an SCP-035 test and when the whole thing kinda fell apart as often happens with tests involving dangerous SCPs you said to me in OOC "That whole test was so low IQ". I think that's a pretty rude thing to say to someone and shows me that you aren't ready to be part of a team like this. You didn't offer any constructive criticism or anything - you just called it "low IQ", which considering I don't know you at all is pretty disrespectful. I also saw you minging with vending machine later on with a couple JRs and one of them drank "Igneous". You're also lying on your application. You say all of your strikes were from 5-9 months ago, but you literally received a strike 2 days ago for missing your first command meeting without filling out a LOA form. I also think that in your application you're trying to give the impression that you have been active for like a year and a half which isn't true - you took a really long break and just came back. Lastly, you would think that if someone from the O5 gave you a second chance to reapply, you would put a bit more work in your application. But there are tons of spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and isn't written very thoughtfully. I mean if you can't be bothered to spellcheck your application just once to remove simple spelling errors like "throughly", "stil", "wont", "confimrations" etc., I think it shows you aren't actually serious about, at least not enough to put some work in your application, and you are only relying on what you perceive as massive community support. As someone who is on the O5-Research team, I personally don't think you would be a good fit for the team and there are others within research more deserving of the role. tl;dr -Support -Lied on application -Lazy application -Rude in game -Minge
  18. I've attached my log as a PDF TEST LOG - 7445 [04_16_2020].pdf
  19. Grade: [80] [B-] Test Quality: Standard Lore: 5/20: So I think you might have been a little confused on what the "Background Research" section is meant for. Your section basically just said "I did background research" . The point of the section was to actually write what your background research was. You don't really describe what SCP-999 is at all and you only briefly mention a small description of SCP-500 - so because of that I'm giving you 5 points. In future, you should really put a good description of the SCPs you are testing on, even if you think they are well known. Creativity: 20/20: This is a creative test. It would be interesting to see what happens if SCP-999 is fed SCP-500! Presentation: 20/20: TBH I'm kinda conflicted about this one. From an objective point of view, you obviously spent some time putting your log in a google doc and formatting it a bit. You also changed text colors. From a subjective point of view however, your choice of format/presentation doesn't really sit well with me. I mean basically it's something that could have more or less been pasted form the forums into a google doc. The font is also super big in my opinion. You did include a audio log which I like. However, since you clearly put time into it, I'm not going to subtract any points for my subjective taste. Writing: 35/40: There are a lot of problems with the writing that I feel could be fixed if you read it over once. First of all, the sentence structure is pretty confusing and poorly organized and sounds more like a stream of consciousness than a test log that was thought out and organized. There are also a lot of other general mistakes like changing tenses from past to present within the same sentence: "I then made him follow me into the D Block so I can get an escort to SCP-500 Containment Chamber". Again, I think that all of these problems could have been fixed if you had read it over once. Next time proof read the log. This being said, it's not terrible and there is certainly a lot of content in your log and your punctuation is good. Your audio log as really good though! Final Thoughts: Just try to organize your thoughts a bit better and next time don't leave out the background research section! Otherwise, this is a very good test!
  20. Grade: [F] [30%] Test Quality: Sub-standard Lore: 5/20: You didn't describe the SCP at all - You only described how it works which is why I'm not giving you a zero Creativity: 0/20: Not a creative test at all. Pretty much just feeding a D Class to an SCP. Please try to come up with something that is a bit more creative than just "What happens if a D Class goes up to SCP-173?" It is well documented that SCP-173 kills anyone he can, we don't need another test proving this! Presentation: 5/20: Nothing done to enhance the presentation - Extremely short and the separations of different sections are not clear. You're rank is also not "User" lol. It's your rank within research! No visual stimuli either. It's pretty easy to take a screenshot and it could easily give you an extra 5 points! Writing: 20/40: Short sentences. Missing a ton of punctuation. It's clear that very little effort was put into writing this. Final Thoughts: I recommend that you take a look at some other test logs that were given Quality grades to get a better idea of what is expected in order to get a quality grade. It's not that we are asking you to make 10 quality tests of anything. The best thing to get a good reputation is to just do a one or two really good ones. Quality over quantity!
  21. Grade: [F] [40%] Test Quality: Sub-standard Lore: 5/20: You didn't describe the SCP at all - You only described how it works which is why I'm not giving you a zero Creativity: 0/20: Not a creative test at all. Pretty much just feeding a D Class to an SCP. Please try to come up with something that is a bit more creative than just "What happens if a D Class goes up to 012? I mean you write that you tried to "disable that urge" (The urge to cut his wrists) but you don't describe how you tried to do that... Presentation: 5/20: Nothing done to enhance the presentation - Extremely short and the separations of different sections are not clear Writing: 30/40: Not the best writing I've ever seen, but not the worst. Final Thoughts: I recommend that you take a look at some other test logs that were given Quality grades to get a better idea of what is expected in order to get a quality grade. It's not that we are asking you to make 10 quality tests of anything. The best thing to get a good reputation is to just do a one or two really good ones. Quality over quantity!
  22. +support from me. Very well written and thoughtful app. I've never had a bad experience with October when he's been administrating or when he's been playing. I think he would be a great addition to the 05 staff!
  23. TBH, this sentence doesn't sit with me too well... I don't think that people should be going after this role for status Also, this isn't an application to be a part of the 05 council. Because I don't think we play at the same time, I don't see you too often and I can't really base any support on your character since I don't really know you. But just based of the app, I would probably have to lean more towards -support
  24. +Support. I see him in D Block healing up Gensec LITERALLY EVERY DAY which infuriates me. We gotta take care of him one of these days...
  25. +Support. I think that Cancer is a reliable member of the research team and is very active. He's a nice guy and takes his job seriously. Good luck my friend!
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