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Umbrella Corporation
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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. -support That's messed up. Wait out your time.
  2. +support I had SOOOO many issues with him last night...
  3. +support Damn. he got to 15 over.
  4. -support Shot yourself in the foot there eh?
  5. +support Guy just doesn't want to RP here.
  6. -support Really? That's not racism. That's an actual word.
  7. Your In-game: DS 1LT Ronin 1V63 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6268956 The player's name in-game: Ben Hunt The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:74393086 What did the player do: 20 warnings Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198109051901 What do you believe should happen to the player: His 20 warning ban punishment as is required per the staff handbook. Any extra information: He decided to say that he wasn't going to jail for 4 minutes and ltap'd instead, right in front of Mini. So instead of just doing his 4 minutes, he getting a ban.
  8. +support Wrong person, it happens.
  9. Perfectly normal traffic stop. A barret in your face is simply Max's way of greeting you.
  10. Name: Redberry Rank: MSGT SteamID():STEAM_0:0:6268956 Current Sub-Branches your in: Sniper, Riot Control Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:
  11. +support Bill has been hella mingey on that PD TAC job. This time it was caught on video.
  12. +support Good guy. Pretty knowledgeable. That sit that Locus is talking about had the warn revoked so...yeah. I say sure, give him a shot. Also active as heck. More so than me lmao.
  13. +Support Fam, it was laggy enough that I shot THROUGH someone and killed a dude BEHIND HIM last night. Crossfire happens. I think a verbal to watch himself would have been sufficient. Heck, I'VE been killed in crossfire before and never wanted the other person warned for it. It happens unfortunately.
  14. +support He has that many? He kept stealing any gov car he could last night as well.
  15. If you ever want to come back, you're always welcome bb
  16. +Support Man gets on, gets on gun dealer, buys a gun, mass rdms spawn, dies, does it again. Buh bye.
  17. -support Like I told you when it happened, you're cuffed, you've been searched and had everything taken. There's no way you'd be able to 'call' anyone.
  18. Ronin

    OFC Moment

    XD that's amazing. We've all done that during a chase though lmao.
  19. Awesome. I LIKED that new cuff system, but not being able to drive them in cars or jail them kinda sucked.
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