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[GL] Zeus

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Everything posted by [GL] Zeus

  1. +Support I hopped on police one day and just saw this man rack up like 3 warns in one day. He clearly has no intent to abide by the rules.
  2. It takes away from other Branch RP, thus I feel this isn’t needed
  3. [GL] Zeus

    Ban Appeal

    -Support Still Racism
  4. What if you were healed by a branch’s medical class and generally it’s hard to monitor
  5. -Support With that attitude, you ain’t going nowhere chief.
  6. I just checked the logs under the economy section and it doesn’t state anywhere where you buy the supplies from Armory. It only shows money drops via /dropmoney. I don’t think there is a way to monitor this so for that I’m leaving a -Support
  7. This can't go bad *nervous laughter ensues*
  8. You were a real one my dude. Hop in TS sometime to vibe with the lads. Stay safe and best of luck in whatever you do
  9. I don't even play Imperial but his reputation has spanned to other servers as well. He seems fit for the position and all I hear from others is good stuff about him. Good luck my dude!
  10. -Support Some people just can’t lie properly, smh.
  11. --------Message From Forums Diplomat--------- Continued Arguing will result in Forums warnings being given out. Keep the comments to only + and -Supports. Please take arguments to PMs
  12. I’m all for this cause right now, it’s partial lockdown and hands up every 3 mins for whole hours especially on off peak and with MTF it’s overkill. +Support
  13. Absolute pleasure working with him in D block, he is dedicated and knows what he is doing. He can be strict but he is also a laid back and fun person to talk to and vibe around and as Senior command he should be approachable, which he is. BIG +SUPPORT
  14. I agree with you on the part where I just see MTF sitting in LCZ for no reason during defcon 4 and defcon 5 but this would just be complicated to implement +/-Support
  15. Why does everyone I like have to leave : (
  16. +Support One of the most detailed applications I have seen in quite a long time, may I add was quite lovely to read through. Good person, I have had nothing but positive interactions from the person Leads very well as a Gensec NCO from my time in d block Is passionate about staff and dedicated to the community Overall, I believe this person can do well as a staff member.
  17. Heavy -Support D class CCs and CI also need a lot of meds to stay alive in raids making it not very reliable to implement. Now to address the foundation part, Medical aren’t online most of the time and some combat branches do not have a medical class thus making it even harder to heal. Even if there is medical on, getting healed/get surgery done on is time consuming as the combat would have a. Ended or b. You die Not to mention this is also gonna make d class and GOIs target the medics even more making it even more difficult than it already is for them to do their RP. I understand you wanna increase medical RP but this will drastically change the combat styles, branch structure, d class, CI raids and affect branches without medical classes. I don’t mean to sound rude but I’m not one for changing up the entire combat structure/negatively affect combat of the server to increase the RP of one branch. The negatives heavily outweigh the positives on this for me.
  18. +/- Support leaning + Good guy with good judgement Needs to be more active on the forums
  19. +/- Support EMT Diss is usually a permanent ban. But I believe you should get the benefit of the doubt as you may have changed.
  20. Sarge found all the props and asked me to look at them. They were spammed in the bottom of the lake so its not like he was using them for anything. If it was a PT or something it could be understandable but even with a PT idk why you would need to spawn 240 props They were all in the lake for no reason. Rang has previously warned him not to repeat this and from what even heard he said he doesn't care about the community but I may be wrong
  21. Remember the Mining army? Good ol days
  22. -Support I just feel like this is unnecessary and it would be a waste of SMTs time to add it to all Command classes, not to mention the amount of flashing lights that we are gonna see due to the camera spam.
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