Heavy -Support
D class CCs and CI also need a lot of meds to stay alive in raids making it not very reliable to implement.
Now to address the foundation part,
Medical aren’t online most of the time and some combat branches do not have a medical class thus making it even harder to heal. Even if there is medical on, getting healed/get surgery done on is time consuming as the combat would have a. Ended or b. You die
Not to mention this is also gonna make d class and GOIs target the medics even more making it even more difficult than it already is for them to do their RP.
I understand you wanna increase medical RP but this will drastically change the combat styles, branch structure, d class, CI raids and affect branches without medical classes.
I don’t mean to sound rude but I’m not one for changing up the entire combat structure/negatively affect combat of the server to increase the RP of one branch.
The negatives heavily outweigh the positives on this for me.