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Everything posted by Will

  1. There's a phrase that says "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight", which the phrase being so popular, there is even a song written after it (kinda). Realistically, you'd want to use a gun if one is available to you, though if you were to use a knife at the start of the fight, I wouldn't see an issue with it; just try to use a gun if at all possible!
  2. -Support I recall Prada saying that his video corrupted while I was taking to him about this in a sure a few nights back, which is that's still the case, it'd be helpful if someone else who does have video could share it. If that's not the case, I would say that word of mouth would be fine for something such as a false warn appeal, but isn't enough on it's own for a staff report. While I do think you are being honest with your story Prada, I don't think anything such as a strike would come of this and at most a talk with SMT if anything at all..
  3. -Support There's like 4 minutes in between the warns, I would only say this a valid claim if he had warned you individually for 2+ reasons within a short span of time (a couple of seconds at most). If you do something after the sit or the original warning is issued, staff members are allowed to issue subsequent warnings for anything else that is deemed to be in violation of the MOTD, which seems to be the case in this situation. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198392046447
  4. You're gonna do real good with that tactical assault revolver with a high capacity magazine.
  5. +Support I feel a 30 warn ban should be issued. It should be noted that he is at 32 warns at time of writing which may go up in number by the time this gets reviewed (since all of his warns are from this year).
  6. @Hammy your side of things?
  7. -Support Based off of what I've read from the post and comments, I am going to have to stay at a -Support for now. I saw a couple of times people mentioned a clip or video which would be nice to see if someone could upload it and post it here, might help clean up the story a bit.
  8. Forum Diplomat Message Please keep responses on any player reports/ warn appeals/ ban requests to + or - supports with reasons to go along with them. As a reminder, argumentative behavior is not allowed on these types of posts and we urge users to use forum messages or other platforms to resolve a dispute with another user. Further arguments will be hidden and will result in the post being locked for SMT review and possible forum warnings being issued.
  9. Did I hear Wedding?...
  10. +Support Player has reached 30 warnings, therefore should be banned for 1 month.
  11. -Support Alt accounts are not permitted under any condition on all of our servers.
  12. -Support I reviewed the base after I had sent those discord messages Ruben shows, which is he is correct, I did not approve of this base being used until after they had modified the base and argued with them for a bit. I feel that the base should not be used as it can be considered a trap base seeing as the only way to get into the base is to jump off a cliff, taking damage in the process. The only reason why I am -Supporting this is because there was nothing broken in the staff handbook that . did in this situation (other than maybe argue with a staff member, but still minor).
  13. -Support 3D2D Textscreens works well as is and while it may look nice, it will only add an extra 45mb of code the server has to load every time it restarts (compared to the 0.039mb for 3D2D Textscreens).
  14. -Support No need to add this if you can already switch to a different seat (which does the same thing). Also, link to content?
  15. Accepted Come talk with me to receive you promotion!
  16. Denied You may reapply in 2 weeks
  17. -Support Though I do agree on the point that this could have been handled differently, it is staff's discretion at the end of the day, which based off the evidence and statements both party's made, would make it a valid warn.
  18. +Support Staff member believes the warn should be removed.
  19. +Support Jeff has proven himself to be kind, helpful, and cool headed (from what I've seen of him through RP and times we've worked together on Event Team). I feel that he is ready to be given a shot at the staff team as a Trial Moderator so long as he keeps his activity up both in game and on the forums. Good luck!
  20. -Support You have to advert in chat if you want to mug, kidnap, carjack, etc. Also, please follow format next time.
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