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Harry S. Plinkett

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Everything posted by Harry S. Plinkett

  1. This is an amazing test for a JR, I wish you got a 100%! Welcome to the foundation.
  2. D-3981 Released for all Foundation employees to view, in accordance with the Know Thy Enemy Initiative, under censorship. Name: Nikita Volya Designation: D-3981 Aliases: Commissar Volya, Volya, Nik, Niki, Slavo, The Red Bear, The Wolf of Leningrad Site: 19, ■■, 05 Criminal Record: Treason against the Soviet Union, Piracy, Murder, Imperialist Activity, Arson, Vandalism, Criminal Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Assassinate Premier Nikolai Bulganin, Larceny, Perfidy against Communism, Espionage, and Resisting Arrest. Acquired by Foundation: August 11, 1960 Date of Birth: November 5, 1921 (Age 99) Notes: Exposure to SCP-■■■ has caused D-3981 to cease aging. His appearance is that of his self at age 40. Caused Incident ■■■-C. Incited multiple D-Block riots in Site: 19 and Site: ■■. D-3981 has been forbidden to be transferred to any site, if he warrants transfer he will be recommended for termination instead, due to Incident ■■■■-D. D-3981 is to be considered extremely dangerous and hostile to staff, and should sedated before experimentation. D-3981 was a Red Army Commissar and NKVD Operative during World War 2, and was arrested by the Soviet Union after ■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■ that was considered vital to the Soviet Union's foreign interests, and evaded capture with a small cell of deserters. It is generally believed his criminal record was inflamed by the Soviet government in order to slanderize D-3981. D-Class Warden Sean Ó Conchobhair
  3. I like this one, not the most original in the world but it was a fun read. Hope you get a good score, and good luck in the challenge, Hope.
  4. I'm going to drop my +Support here, even though its super old. This was always one of my favorites, mostly cause it reminds me of Wolfenstein 2009. Whys no one talked about this SCP since the last +s?
  5. Hard +support Can we get an update on this, cheetahbruh?
  6. lmao this good stuff scp: the gooood stuff my mans experiment: i grew a plant of 420-J and whoooowheee it keeps them alomonolous effects. date: today name: it me visul stimulation:
  7. You better be from Kerry or you'll catch this kneecap
  8. .......audio recording converting to test....... ..... ..... .....autoscribe successful...margin of error minimal.... print ascribeamsl-049-intv-01.docx/ AMSL-049-INTV-01 Static Amsel: "Well the trip here was a pain and a half." SCP-049: "Tell me about it." Amsel: "Let me pull up a seat. [To Security ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■] Go ahead and let me through. Shut the door behind me. [To SCP-049 again] "Got lost trying to figure out the way here, I'm a new transfer to the site. I have to confess, I have ahm... was ist es.... a special interest in you." SCP-049: "Oh? Do tell, Doctor." Length of silence: 5.30918 seconds. Amsel: "I'm not a Doctor, I'll take that as a compliment though... anyways.." Clears throat "When I first heard of your... interest in this, I suppose I should call it a disease, this 'pestilence' as you refer to it, it caught my mind rather quickly. I have to ask, why focus so much attention on one illness?" SCP-049: "It is.. how can I put this? It's my life's work." Amsel: "I can understand, and respect that. Everyone needs some kind of major goal. I'm... admittedly not an expert on pathogens, what can you tell me about this.. this pestilence?" SCP-049: "Admittedly.. it isn't a pestilence one can observe through... conventional means." Amsel: "So, do you think yourself chosen then in some way? Why are you the only one who can observe it?" SCP-049: "Chosen..." Length of silence: 15.0004 seconds. Amsel: "Right... do you believe it to be destiny that you must cure this, or some kind of.. providence?" SCP-049: Chuckles "Oh Doctor, men of medicine do not believe in 'destiny'. Amsel: "I couldn't agree more... I have two more things I have to ask you before I let the Doctors behind me proceed with what they want." Unknown: "Can we get those D-Class in there now?" SCP-049: "Did somebody say D-Class?" Amsel: Yes. That has nothing to do with me, though. Now, do you have a name?" SCP-049: Scoffs "None other than those which you have given me." Amsel: "Do... I have the pestilence?" SCP-049: "Hmm..." Time of silence RECORD ERROR Static Amsel: "Thank you. [To present security personnel] You can let me out now." SCP-049: "I enjoyed the chat. See you soon, Doctor." End of recording.... ...... AMSL-049-INTV-049-01-ADTN It appears that 049 has some kind of heightened sense of self importance. Understatement of the century, I know, but it's important to see if we can deescalate his.. extreme nature to make him more docile, even around those he deems infected. Furthermore, I'd like to learn more about the man's past. Building a friendship with SCP-049 could be beneficial in this way. I am in full belief that he can assist medical staff as much as SCP-948 if we give it time. Researcher Heinrich H. Amsel Addendum AMSL-049-INTV-01-N01 It is imperative that 049 does not read this log, even if he asks for it. I do not have the clearance to forbid it, but I certainly do beg you.
  9. Experiment Log AMSL-939-01 A brief experiment, submitted for your peer review by Researcher Heinrich H. Amsel SCP-939: SCP-939 are endothermic, pack-based predators which display atrophy of various systems similar to troglobitic organisms. SCP-939 do not possess many vital organ systems; central and peripheral nervous systems, circulatory system, and digestive tract are all absent. SCP-939's respiratory system is atrophied and serves no apparent purpose beyond spreading AMN-C227. SCP-939's primary method of luring prey is the imitation of human speech in the voices of prior victims, though imitation of other species and active nocturnal hunts have been documented.* SCP-939 are capable of bearing live young. See Addendum 10-16-1991.** Thesis: It is possible for AMN-C227 to be resisted by mnestics taken beforehand. While my study in chemistry is very much 101, every chance at being able to resist AMN-C227 should be taken to simplify the test process, as D Class personnel and HAZMAT suits are very difficult to replace. Test Log: D-3566 entered the containment chamber via a rope suspended above the chamber opening and proceeded to extract AMN-C227. However, when he was on approach to extraction, SCP-939-01 charged at him for reasons unknown and ■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■. The retrieved AMN-C227 was obtained by Extraction Team E04. D-4681 was brought to a secure area and given MN-C980. He did not show any side-effects. He was then given AMN-C227 which acted almost immediately, causing him to become very aggravated and hostile, losing his memory entirely. In the process of returning to D-Block he somehow broke out of his handcuffs, and retrieved a contraband wrench and struck my right arm, causing a severe contusion from which I am currently recovering via an arm brace. It is unknown if AMN_C227 combined with MN-C980 had created an anomalous effect in human strength. Subject was terminated by Security Officer "Blackout", and I had also discharged a firearm in alarm. Further testing will require D-Class to be restrained to a bed. Conclusion: Subject became extremely hostile and (potentially) anomalously strong, strong enough to break out of bindings. This experiment was a failure and nearly ended in disaster. AMSL-939-02 will require additional security measures to avoid any further danger. Bibliography and Further Reading: *http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-939 **Addendum 10-16-1991: [REDACTED] In light of this, all interaction with SCP-939 from September 8th to October 7th in the Northern Hemisphere or March 6th to April 4th in the Southern Hemisphere is strictly forbidden. [REDACTED] No male specimens of SCP-939 have yet been identified [REDACTED] contain a Class B amnestic [REDACTED]. Researcher Heinrich H. Amsel
  10. that would have made an excellent joke for a forum thread I wish I thought of that
  11. D-Class have been given beer as a reward for service a few times in lore, and it can be made with soap as well. T. I'm Irish, we know molotovs.
  12. 173 Is available only for non-commercial uses, I'm pretty sure the donations technically make the server commercial. -Support until we can make sure no issues may arise from the use of 173's likeness. That being said, I am learning to model and wouldn't mind making something similar to it but still different enough to avoid issues.
  13. I'd like to apologise for being a bit melodramatic to the handful of people I was talking to last night on the SCP server, I had a pretty bad day and was trying to unwind and the usually D-Class Blues got the better of me. Anyone who wasn't there for it can ignore this but if you were someone who I was upset with then consider this my apology, I was behaving extremely immaturely and I'm sorry.
  14. This is a hard +Support My favorite in SCP:SL and an amazing implementation
  15. For real they do this so much and get mad when you call them out on it, and the admins never do anything about it
  16. Undecided but I feel like being "tribal" he shouldn't look like a medieval knight.
  17. They are hard working proletariat and should be assisted in the revolution
  18. Pff, imagine NOT using your irl harmonica skills to create a hobo army with a private militia.
  19. This is correct. The button does NOT function unless the elevator is stationary and in normal waiting position.
  20. No. If they stand under it the elevator won't fully come down. It only comes down if they crouch. What happens is someone stands under there, no one can come up, someone kills the minge, and then he whinges about RDM.
  21. Hey look I can do it too Advanced Combat MEDIC I definitely second this, though.
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