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Harry S. Plinkett

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Everything posted by Harry S. Plinkett

  1. It has more or less the same problems as every other Gmod RP server; with the exception of staff. Our staff team is EXCELLENT and I'm very happy with them. I consider it the best SCPRP server, however it can be challenging to get into at first. I highly suggest joining a new branch when you join, or lining up for testing as a D class. I think mods just forgot about him, I did make a suggestion on what to do with him, though. Here it is.
  2. Minge is general annoying tomfoolery. Its fine in small doses but can get annoying. Examples are prop-minging, which is spawning props in an intrusive way that disrupts RP, micspamming, and anything that disrupts RP is usually considered minge. ULX is an admin tool/mod Neutral CCs are Custom Classes/Roles that are non-combatants, such as medics, technicians, and ethics staff. As for quota, Im not sure. Ive never heard it in the context of Gmod, outside its normal English vernacular
  3. Hi! To make this more interesting, I've used a non-existent/made up SCP for this. 1. Lead Researcher Heinrich H. Amsel is a German expatriate, the youngest senior member of non-command, and focuses in the psychology of humanoid and sentient SCPs, as well as cryptozoology. 2. The anomaly is not document, and therefore I would require an armed MTF escort, as well as technicians to create field containment until an appropriate containment chamber can be created for the anomaly. Medical staff should also remain on standby in case of any harmful affects. Furthermore, I might bring another researcher with me; a fresh pair of eyes can sometimes develop superior insights, and I'm not to prideful to admit that. 3. My priority is to de-escalate their aggression first. Bribery comes to mind, however I refuse to fund a terrorist organization. My escort *should* be able to terminate them, however I mourn the wanton waste of human lives, and have no interest in becoming a CI hostage. There is absolutely no chance in me simply handing over an anomaly with such little study, and so that option is also right out. The only conclusion I have is to either defer the decision to my escort, who undoubtedly know what they are doing, or to find some way to trick the Insurgents. Ideally, we should make them think we are of too high risk and too little reward, making them make a tactical decision to ignore us. 4. With the CI apprehend, terminated, or otherwise dispelled and/or expelled, I need to create field containment until a proper Containment Chamber could be devised, as well as plan the CC. Field Containment would be relatively simple, although it is important to discuss it first with the technician(s) in my team. Given the nature of the entity, a simple plastic enclosure would work wonders; preferably with a lid and air-holes for transportation and to insure it's survival. As for a permanent CC, it should replicate it's natural habitat, with very little variations between it and any other Euclid containment chamber. Furthermore, any excess reproduction should be met with the termination of every specimen barring one, which should be saved for research purposes.
  4. Item-#: SCP-XXXX Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a standard Class 2 Macroorganism Containment Chamber designed to fit their natural habitat, including but not limited to foilage, soil, and ××××××. After 10 or more instances are born, one instance is to be moved to temporary Euclid containment, and SCP-XXXX's Containment Chamber is to be filled with ××××××× for a span of 5 hours, or until janitorial staff can dispose of the acid. Description: SCP-XXXX is an organism covered in quills similar to that of a porcupine. The quills will dislodge upon contact with any other animal and inject a deadly neurotoxin, designated TXN-N054. SCP-XXXX instances have no internal organs, and are simply balls of flesh, with DNA incomparable to any known organism or SCP. Furthermore, it is also capable of rapid asexual reproduction through unknown methods. Traditional termination methods such as ballistic weaponry, blunt trauma, and incineration do not seem to completely terminate the subject. Instead, it will lie dormant for a period of ×× ××××× until it completely regenerates. Termination through the use of certain anomalous sources, such as ××××××× and ××××××××× have been successful. Nicknamed "tribbles" by Site-05 staff, these entities illicit a response of affection and adoration within females, as well as a marked respect for a personal boundary of approximately 11 inches of the organism. Males, however, universally approach it with disgust and anger.
  5. +Shurikens Fires like Im shooting one handed after sitting on my arm.
  6. What are you suggesting? - Get rid of the new fence. It's cramped, unusually complicated, and incredibly ugly. How would this change better the server? - It gets rid of the most disgusting looking thing on the server. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - The new fence makes GenSecs life easier because no one in D Class wants to come to upper and look at that modern art masterpiece. Who would this change mostly benefit? - People who can see. What were you thinking?
  7. >Remove 999 medkit >Let him back in D block Problem solved. +/-Soup. +If medkit removed.
  8. -Support The Colt is a decent all around weapon. I'm all for buffing D-Class; just not this way
  9. In lore he went to McDonalds to get a sandwich to prove he's god. I don't think theres a McDonalds in the SCP foundation.
  10. No, use elastic restraints to arrest, if theyre hostile and you have to fight, then the rule applies. Im pretty sure combat cuffing is against the rules for FailRP. No, use elastic restraints to arrest, if theyre hostile and you have to fight, then the rule applies. Im pretty sure combat cuffing is against the rules for FailRP. -- Or if thats a joke then sorry, Im an Aspie
  11. I just went through the denieds, no one made any suggestions pertaining to this SCP since he was removed. I *think* you might be thinking about one of Squashes SCP additions?
  12. When a DSD +Supports you know you done good xD Yeah I'd for it to come back too. Ideally he'd have a handful of models
  13. "Is 682 breached? 'I can't tell, and I'm not swimming in the acid to find out' damnit." -Overheard from two MTFs whom I now call Tweedledee and Tweedledum +Soup
  14. Remove all of the event room buttons except the one that says today is pizza day
  15. /advert [F] SCP 682 has been breached -Support
  16. Clearance Level 4 or higher is required. If you are in posession of this document without proper clearance, please return the document to the nearest General Security Office or Found-Documents repository immediately. Unauthorized posession is grounds for immediate dismissal and ■■■■■■■. Incident Report AMSL-04 SCP(S) INVOLVED: SCP-2013, SCP-4355, SCP-■■■ Description: On December 19th, 20■■, then Senior Researcher Heinrich Heuss was exposed to SCP-2013 due to the negligence of Doctor Otto Herbert Kielwitz and Incident KLWTZ-025-B. Heinrich Heuss came under the delusion that SCP-4355 was an instance of SCP-2013-A. Heinrich then created an unauthorized termination attempt in the concert hall. Heinrich was unsuccessful, and detained by General Security. Heinrich Heuss was given Class A amnestics to combat the affects of SCP-2013, and then returned to Site-14. Due to unknown causes, Heinrich, now Heinrich Amsel post-wedding, relapsed into the effects of SCP-2013 and released SCP-■■■ from containment, causing the death of ■ personell and an unknown amount of Class-D personell. Heinrich Amsel became extremely depressed upon realizing what he had done, and thusly attempted self termination. ■■s in charge of managing the facility briefly debated the termination of Heinrich Amsel, but later decided to give him class ■ amnestics, and gave him the false memory of demanding amnesticization. Amsel has shown zero interest in recovering his memories and believes he was only an intern at Site-14. Furthermore, he was transferred to Site-05 on the condition of medication and routine therapy and psychological evaluation. Addendum AMSL-04-01 Amsel has acclimated well to his new environment and has shown no signs of recovered memories. Amsel has even received several promotions and seems to be quite proud of his work; as well as being unquestioning of his past. Addendum AMSL-04-02 Doctor ■■■■■■ has expressed concerns after a brief discovery of a memory of Amsel's time in Site-14. Between his unusual issues with amnestics and his interest in developing an "amnestic vaccine", Amsel is to be monitored very, very closely. If a single sign he is effected SCP-2013 again, he is to be terminated immediately. There are not nearly enough Psychiatrists on site, so please, do not be over-zealous.
  17. WARNING LEVEL 03 CLEARANCE OR ABOVE IS REQUIRED TO ACCESS THIS DOCUMENT IF THIS IS WITHIN YOUR POSSESSION AND YOU ARE NOT OF SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE, YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO REPRIMANDING ACCORDING TO BRANCH LAW. LOGIN... ... USER::AMSLHHH PASSWD::****** ... CREDENTIALS DENIED... LOGIN CORRECTLY IN THIRTY SECONDS OR MEMETIC KILL AGENT WILL ACTIVATE... ... USER::AMSLHH PASSWD::****** ... WELCOME, AMSEL.. Name: Heinrich H. Amsel, formerly Heinrich H. Heuss. Also answers to "Doc" and to "Big Daddy". (Mr. Amsel is not to edit this document. This is not funny, and we are not here for jokes -Dr. ■■■■■.) Security Clearance Level: Level 03 clearance. Profession: Lead Researcher, Clinical psychiatrist, specialist in sentient SCP psychology, chemist, musician and painter. Location: Site 14 Site 05 History: Identified for recruitment by the Foundation after he became known for his theories on ■■■ psychology. His passionate interest in xeno-biology, crypto-zoology, and his expertise in psychology made him am obvious target for consideration. He was approached with an offer to join the foundation after a civil war reenactment, where he participated as a soldier of the 5th Florida Volunteers. Heinrich was born in Hessen, Germany in 1996, making him among the youngest of his clearance level. He graduated from ■■■■■■ University of Science in 2010 at a shocking 18 years old, where he has since returned to pursue a P.h.D. while he is offsite. Heinrich has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, but refuses to seek treatment using the Foundation's vast resources. This so far has not been an issue for his work. Following Incident Amsel-004, Heinrich will be required to take an antidepressant of his choice. Heinrich was, after psychological evaluation, deemed clear to come off his antidepressant regimen. SCP Work: Heinrich has so far focused his attention on the following SCPs: SCP-294, SCP-500, SCP-049, and has built a great relationship with SCP-948. SCP-049, however, views him with great mistrust, as do many others who view his humor as somewhat sardonic. Heinrich has also worked on a "vaccine" for amnestics, using AMN-C227, something that has taken the interest of ■■ ■■■■■. Termination was briefly suggested after Incident AMSL-04, but was belayed on the account of his usefulness to the Foundation.
  18. What are you suggesting? - Lets give 343 the ability to switch to a new model, as per the SCP wiki page on him he appears different frequently. I am NOT saying replace Freeman. Let 343 choose models through wardrobe. How would this change better the server? - Come on. This model looks kinda like the Christian god, looks badass as hell, and cmon, its friggin ZEUS. Plus, people could have another model to pick from if they dont want to always be Freeman. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - We might anger Zeus Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCP 343 Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1586403940
  19. SCP 912 was "temporarily" removed a while back to combat some issues and remake him, however it's taken some time and I'd like to give my own ideas on what we can do with him. He was very fun to play if you weren't minging and I certainly miss him. Note: Since he's technically gone atm, I will use the SCP suggestion format and rebuild him from the ground up, instead of a regular change suggestion. Under the rules, changes are underlined. 1. SCP you would like added: SCP-912 2. Playermodels: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1379568172 SICK MODEL RIGHT?? , or if the file size is too much we can do https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=688454751 ooor the original, if you want it more. 3. Sweps: Elastic Restraint, keys, fists, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158882496 IF IT DOESNT CAUSE THE ELEVATOR GLITCH 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 500-750 health and no armor 5. Why should we add this SCP? It's been around in the community for a while and I think we have a love/hate relationship with it. If we can re-add him in a way where he has little minge-factor, and doesn't cause the elevator glitch I think we should. Plus, I think using a bully club instead of a stunstick is a good touch. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP 912 is a walking suit of police SWAT armor which will arrest anyone as ordered by a uniformed "policeman", as well as anyone who wields a deadly weapon. 7. Extra information: In order to combat minge, I have an idea, keep 912 in one of the unused Safe SCP cells, and have GenSec ask to have someone flag as him and bring him into D-Block to help with riots, and return him when he's done. OR, and this is an unusual idea... Make 912 a GenSec whitelist. *Huh?* Look, if GenSec LCPL and up OR MTF are the only ones with the whitelist, would there be NEARLY as much minging? He's basically GenSec anyways Rules: A safe class SCP. SCP-912 resembles a humanoid equipped with standard issue SWAT weaponry and clothing. It shows hostility towards anyone not wearing a police outfit that has a weapon visible. This being said it will not take lethal action unless someone attempts to take off it's clothing/invade its personal space. Security may use SCP-912 at their discretion for things such as arresting Class D or disarming unauthorized personnel. SCP-912 is equipped with a seemingly unlimited supply of restraints and batons. You may be ordered to arrest any non-GenSec players, by GenSec May be in LCZ and Upper D-Block. You can only attack non-Foundation personnel if they have a visible weapon, engage in combat including fistfights, are ordered to by GenSec, or attempt to take off your gear. You can only attack foundation personnel if they attempt to take off your gear. You should attempt to arrest violators, not kill them. You must match the level of danger of arrest targets. If they are using fists, use fists. If they are using a weapon, use your baton. You must listen to GenSec's orders. Oh, and by all means Please discuss what could be changed further to balance/de-mingify the SCP.
  20. SCP Unity is open source and all of the likenesses are available to use. I believe it falls under some form of copyleft like Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA or GNU. So long as the original artist is credited *somewhere* it should be fine; and a fair amount of Copyleft artists, myself included, don't care that much in the first place. Oh, yeah, and +Support
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