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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. BadAim

    Adding ISB/DT's

    +supporting this and his commander application in advance
  2. Just did a bad thing I regret the thing i did and your wondering what it is ill tell you what i did i did a baaaaaadddd thinggg i need time i wont bamboozle
  3. @Jakub +support and ill add it if its accepted
  4. "17:21:59 - "Koala" pokes you: yeah u can apply for col hotshot said u can XOXOXOX good luck!!!"
  5. +Support +Ex JMT +Highest possible rank on SCPRP +GL Veteran +Over experienced for command I will eat a sock if he somehow doesn't get high admiral
  6. "17:21:59 - "Koala" pokes you: yeah u can apply for col hotshot said u can XOXOXOX good luck!!!"
  7. +Support Great Major, he has shown compassion and the ability to command many times over
  8. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : [GL] BadAimSam, or BadAim 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Shock troopers 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? Ever since I started playing Garry's mod I've always looked at shock troopers in CWRP with admiration, though I never was mature enough to work on getting into that branch. What I have seen though excites me. Being in charge of making sure newer players stay in line, being the first line of defense for the ship, and being in the front line has always intrigued me. the idea of commanding a Branch that I have always looked up to, especially now that I have had the time to grow on my leadership abilities and have experience in command on another server, would be an absolute honor. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I have none on CWRP, and 4 days on SCPRP (the clock was glitched, it's around 5 weeks, I've been on that server for 6 months though) 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? Management of roster/members of the branch, administering punishments, command and NCO promotions mainly, but also enlisted promotions. Updating jobs on the branch, the branch SOP, overseeing things like training programs and other various specialties, relaying information about my branch to my commander and to my COs. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I'd like to use this question mainly to introduce myself to the CWRP community, as I am mainly a member of SCPRP. I am Badaim, though you may know me on SCPRP as Ranger. I've been a member of the gaminglight community for about 6 months now, and my notable achievements on this server are joining staff, becoming a senior NCO in 2 different branches on SCPRP, and becoming low command in one. Here are some quotes describing me from my commanding officers Blackstone- You are an independent and trustworthy leader that dedicates time and effort to ensure quality over quality for all projects. Infected- Hmm Monge Jeffe- Has the omega gay Jakub- Good company, likes to have fun, does his job with utmost seriousness when needed. 7. How often can you be Online? : Weekdays 1-3 hours a day, weekends 1-8 hours a day (of course if I have to work on school projects I will put in a short LOA) 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : These are all of my warnings on GL, the 2 at the top are warnings are justified and not who i am anymore, the 3rd was a misunderstanding of the rules, and the last was a false warn.
  9. +Support, Skela is an AMAZING leader, even if this application is lacking.
  10. (Unaware of where i should put this so please correct me if this is the wrong place) My CC Omega-9 “the scrubs” doesnt have access to radio frequency 4
  11. Combat engineers have received a nerf and the NCO job has been removed, making the E11 operative job, the Combat engineer, and the combat medic all have 200/150. This means only 3 E11 jobs will have 200+ armor. And from what i have seen on the suggestion the XM shotgun will most likely be receiving a buff, so that should help to balance the matchup as well. If you sill believe that CI needs a buff to help against this new specialty i encourage you to ask for a buff to the CI Heavies slots, as I agree that 3 is too little and their should be more. i hope you and @enuz | trade.tf reconsider your stance on this branch update
  12. +Support Was command on SCPRP, has experience.
  13. Theyve always had one, its to block out areas to create choke points
  14. 200/200 is slightly over E11s standard stats, its not a CC why would someone pay, I personally see no issue with the Slots as I asked command about it and they said it will be hand picked like A1, the only nerf I could understand would be changing the rifle to a SMG possibly, other than that I see no real issue
  15. Please follow the format for posting suggestions
  16. +support Combat engineers finally getting a PKM, salute sweps, im a tad bit concerned about the commanders weapon additions but they are a rare sight so it shouldnt be too much of an issue.
  17. BadAim

    ACT /ME - Denied

    -support this suggestion seems a lot less like suggestion and a lot more like a rant post.
  18. Denied gonna miss you matricies you were the best DHOS and OFTO, and from what i saw an amazing HOS
  19. What you want to see? - 527 containment procedures: SCP-527, like SCP 343, is to be told to return to his CC if found in EZ/surface Why should we add it? - mingey 527 players can just abuse the lack of recontainment procedures to run around wherever they please, ruining RP What are the advantages of having this? - gives others more chances to RP Who is it mainly for? - 527
  20. A large mesh gate that was fitted perfectly dividing 999s testing area and the CC door.
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