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Everything posted by Fool

  1. +Support I don't have words just give this man O5
  2. -Support The fuck you mean they need a reason to riot they already have one they wanna get the fuck out of the site
  3. +Support No real downsides to this just less meta gaming will happen
  4. This suggestion is now redundant as the map changed and the ambience is gone Suggestion is no longer redundant as the ambience is back and it is as loud as before
  5. +Support I don't really see any downsides to this it will just add something interesting to do.
  6. A volume slider if it can be done would also work
  7. What are you suggesting? - Reduce the volume of the ambience in HCZ How would this change better the server? - Would make it much easier to hear inside of HCZ without having to do stopsound in console everytime you go into it. It just gets annoying after a while with how loud the ambience is Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I don't believe so Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/15H2xqykCHc12U/d1337GJw6yiD?invite=cr-MSxocFYsNjM1OTY2OCw
  8. +Support Overall better branch models and my biggest issue with HTF has been fixed MK 1 no longer has a edge over MK 2 in halo lore
  9. +Support I have known mike for many years and worked with him many times he is more than qualified for a position
  10. Fool

    Real OGs?

  11. Didn't expect to see you back here been a long time
  12. -Support Very necessary and what was already said before
  13. +Support Known this guy for a long time he did well as Nu-7 and E11 CMDR Also worked along side the og A1, I know mike will do well as A1 Hoovy if you don't accept this man I'm 1v1ing you at cowshed
  14. +Support Was good in E11 and A1 back in the day A worthy fit for RRH
  15. +Support The boys are back in town This guy was a good A1 CMDR and I'm glad to see him back The Legendary Krug has returned
  16. +Support I hate this guy he applied for cmd in my branch day after he got 1LT he leaves for A1 fuck you icarus
  17. Fool


    Banish 912 to the pits of League of Legends Fuck this guy I hope he trips on a rock and breaks that dumb visor he has
  18. "Were it so easy" Thank you bread for all you have done for Nu-7 and assisting me in my wild journey in the branch. You will not be forgotten.
  19. Welp you know what this calls for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD6__C2Ht6M&ab_channel=devilleon7 And some of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=434rBX_G85o&ab_channel=IosonoOtakuman
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