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Everything posted by Sion

  1. Sion


    Ill come to SWAT only if I get yeeted from DS XD
  2. Sion


    @EnderKnight57 Stupid question! OBVIOUSLY IM COMING BACK TO STAFF
  3. +support I don't see any NCWS or minging Just a sit which had 2 sides. Mway was defending his side. Nothing wrong here
  4. Wise idea, English is my second language so
  5. Give me all your meat. Ill swallow it whole
  6. And here we see a birth of a new language, called gibberish
  7. Make me a foot long and I won't care. Full of ham if you get me ;D
  8. What you want to see? - A new taser to be added (to replace current one) Why should we add it? - The current taser isn't the best model, this new one is a lot more realistic snd is based of a real one What are the advantages of having this? - It looks a lot nice and honestly, it more realistic since a black box with yellow stripes isn't the easiest to carry on your person Who is it mainly for? - all gov Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1729622779
  9. -support If I wanted to take someone hostage IRL I wouldn't do it infront of 5 tac units (failrp) All tac had guns drawn at you meaning you were outnumbered thefore you were under fearrp
  10. -support If hes been delt with already I don't see the point of reporting him again. Seems like you really want him banned. No point for him to be punished twice
  11. -support 1. You broke fearrp - 4 guns vs 1 negev 2. You shouldn't of forced CERT into the wall since that could lead to death due to reckless driving 3. Where is the roleplay in being bumped into and then pulling a LMG out
  12. I like being on a job called 'minge'. It very fun, ya'll should try it
  13. If this is true it shows a lack kf professionalism and imaturness
  14. +support Always on duty Always ready to help Treats everyone fairly Master at staff sits Calm Very friendly (as support and in-game) GO GET IT BROTHER
  15. -support Why would he copbait to get pulled over and be arrested/tickited..
  16. -support Well you just blew your cover as hulk. Smashing comms through a metal door whilst it driving away... why even bother kidnapping in an open environment aswell...
  17. +support Gives us something to do, but maybe have more rules and have staff reinforce em more cause last time it was mingefest
  18. *a rare kade is seen in his natural habitat* +support Hes kade..
  19. Sion

    Sticks- Denied

    -support You aren't 'entitled' to be racist. You can be racist to anyon, not just black people tou know
  20. -support Your PD rank has collected dust with how unoften you play on it...
  21. -support Recently saw that you were blacklisted from SS and DS for having bad behaviour... this isn't LT material
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