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Everything posted by Echo

  1. Not my son, but welcome to the reserves team !!
  2. So in this scenario it was Torty who had the "inner of the base". At this time Torty was on GOV which GOV are not allowed to have bases with raidables in it. As you may see Torty was brought and returned by Jimmy and he deleted his part of the base. Once the props were deleted , Players RAIDED the base which you and another player were sitting down which is FAILRP. Im surprised you left this out of your report because to a staff member it made you look AFK. Sitting down during a raid is FAILRP/Loopholing. Your props are models/hunter/plates/plate6x16s which are not even sizeable for an inner of the base. Your props were on the outside of the base only. Which if there is a bunch of big props it causes lag on the server. And SMT has just rolled out the double money surge. So I think we would want to keep players on the server and not have them leave because big props are lagging the server. The area you had your props was the outside of multi-level parking garage. So none of the props that were yours were part of an actual base just the outside useless. Torty had the props that were on the inside. To end your props you also had a reflectivve material on your props which is look downed upon due to performance issues In addition to this you were very hostile towards Jimmy which could have been borderline staff diss. A professional person would have just made a complaint on the forum instead of berating him. Also next time make sure you include the full report on what happened. In the end I would've like to see the full spectrum of what happening from all players involved. This being Jimmy, Torty, And Musty So in total, - SUPPORT due to reasons above
  3. - support In RP Gov could steakout a bank that they know will be robbed. And if gov waits outside then they are at a disatvantage. Have you ever gone in a bank raid as a TAC unit ? If not then you shouldnt really be talking till you know both sides of an argument.
  4. Echo

    Admin Abuse

    +support I do believe that this may be another report but adds character to the staff member negatively. But if possible I would like to hear how his actions were on ImperialRP from a JMT+ member
  5. What you want to see? - 1. A rule banning or limiting any talk of politics or beliefs effect in Gaminglight. 2. A rule for baiting player into saying things to make a report against them. Why should we add it? - People have the right to have their own views and should not be punished for their political views in Gaminglight because certain people cannot handle other's views. Also they cannot be held accountable if its not said in a Official Gaminglight Discord, If It does happen in a DM them go to https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us What are the advantages of having this? - A solid rule for people who cannot respect other people's beliefs and so that people cannot bait others into looking bad and would need full evidence available. Who is it mainly for? - Everybody Links to any content - https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us
  6. I have contacted the owner of the CC and await a response. Message me in discord for updates/questions.
  7. In addition to that they should not have any access to the PD car dealers because those belong to GOVERNMENT not a neutral class
  8. Hi all, I feel burnout with State and I will be returning to reserves and I will be working on TTT. Hope to see some of you on TTT, the best time is when I am on ;). As the canadians say : Peace OOOOOUUUUUTTT Adios, Echo 1K34
  9. Rocket League Tournament ??? Anyone??? SPRT Sponsored Event !!!
  10. +/- Support Up to someone who isnt me but seems like a valid excuse
  11. +support Changes Are good to see
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