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Everything posted by Crease

  1. +support - Long time, active player. - Long time member of FBI and SRT. Former respected member of EMS - Continuously demonstrates staff potential.
  2. Name: Crease What job you want: Stripper or Creepy Uncle Why you want : I am a former stripper of bunny ranch (3 years retired) and achieved angel status after only 4 months. Also, I am a creepy uncle in real life--4 nieces and 3 nephews.
  3. It was fun playing on the server with you man. Thanks for being a part of SPRT (formerly CERT). Wish you the best in your future endeavors.
  4. +support - Dedicated, long-time member of the community. - Current TTT Administrator. - Active in: TS, gmod, forums and on the discords we are mutual members of. - I liked his app.
  5. In-Game Name: Crease Steam Name: [GL] Jerry SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456500954 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes, I'm a TTT Mod. How often are you on TeamSpeak? Every day. Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? Firstly, I am extremely active in TS and on the server. I play nearly every day. After being embedded in the community for over a year, I am accustomed to TS protocol and in-game protocol. I am a dedicated member of the community who continues to follow rules. I have minimal warns on the server--only 3-- and have never broken any serious rules either in TS or in the game. Because of this, I would be an appropriate representative for the GL community on TS. Additionally, My main motivation to become TS support is to assist those in need that are new to the server. For example, I enjoy training potential cadets for PD on the policerp server (the server I main.) Since my in-game mic does not work, I am required to train on TS--something everyone is required to do. Therefore, I am in constant need of TS tags for potentially new PD cadets otherwise they would not be able to join the appropriate TS channel. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? My activity, professional attitude and comprehensive understanding of TS and server rules would assist the GL community and in particular, TS. I try to this of my self as behaving in a professional manner and I would continue to do that for the players of teamspeak. I take this responsibility VERY seriously and am willing to do whatever it takes to help those in need. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would begin by introducing myself. From there, I would listen to the players potential problem, explain the steps I am going to take to resolve the problem and continuously update said player until the problem is resolved. If unable to resolve the issue, I would reach out to other players online and stay with the person in need until the issue is resolved. Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes, I have.
  6. +support Solid app with 0 warns Active and long time player Good role model for staff and players.
  7. +support + Is a nice person both in game and on TS. + Active. 0 warns. Solid app. + Shows dedication and leadership to the departments he's in (on GL PRP.)
  8. +support Voxis is a long time and respected member of the community. He has earned many ranks in many departments. I voted yes on poll good luck fam! --Trooper Major Crease
  9. +support dedicated and active player. doesn't have a mic but is a good roleplayer and in many departments
  10. Huge +support - Thinks in a logical manner which already puts him in the top 1% of staff - Is a nice person to everyone on the server and in TS. - Doesn't rush his administrative responsibilities. - Would be an excellent addition to the Senior Admin team.
  11. +support Nice guy and plays a lot. Has a comprehensive understanding of server rules and my recommendation.
  12. The FBI shouldn't have arrested you at all.
  13. I forgave Yobo for rdming me. We were in TS and it was fine. The only unjust thing was you getting arrest for taking a photo (which you did not, I did.) Who arrested you?
  14. +support Look at screenshot above from PD guide.
  15. +support How can anyone be against adding the ransom price for one of the most sought out players on the server to kidnap? This post isn't about changing ransom prices, just implementing one for the president. Why would anyone -support this?
  16. The weapon checker is a very dangerous tool. Easy to justify it's use and can lead to 10 years prison time instantly... May cause confusion with new players who are unfamiliar with it. Also, there are no server wide guidelines for weapon checker usage. If implemented for PD, I'd highly recommend a comprehensive section in PD handbook of when it can be used.
  17. Out of curiosity, do you guys think he broke FearRP in the video? I posted it above. Don't think it matters but was just curious.
  18. Jack you were one of the best members of State there was. I remember when we were up and coming command and Gaur was testing who should be head FTO. You've been here since the beginning. You'll be missed.
  19. +support On 2nd thought, he didn't see me with my gun and I didn't announce it. As the reporter, I don't want him warned.
  20. Yeah, I wanted you Will for felony evasion because your car was ditched after felony fleeing. Wasn't there for this situation though...
  21. +support - Truth-worthy (has obtained high ranks in various servers and departments) - Knowledgeable (frequent player with high and consistent activity) - Owned a server before (I don't know what to put in parenthesis for this one)
  22. You want to be added to a CC with a negev?
  23. big +support Respected player on the server. Would be a fantastic staff member. Good luck with your application! Hope you get accepted.
  24. +support Funny person. Nice to everyone he meets and is dedicated to the server. He's also an active player and willing to put in the work in various departments, therefore dedicated to being staff. Good luck!
  25. + Support Serious roleplayer, knowledgeable with rules and very active. Good luck Rico!
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