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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. -support show us evidence how old it is @Kiki
  2. We need to see how old the warns is
  3. Show us the date of the warn @Kiki
  4. We did are best whitout any video or screenshots we cant do so much i did talk to them about mining they did agree whit me and we where spectating them for a good 20+ min ' if you have any video evidence to chare i would take that but in this case nobady had video or screenshots if they dosent stop mingin aropund pm me on the forums and i will look into what t i can do or send me any vidoe so i can help you out! and if they did try to crash the server i even told them that it is a perma ban on that just remember to record it will be much easer for me and the staff team!
  5. Just go down to requesting SMT and trhey will help you
  6. +support -app could use some more words but it is super good made -has a good attitude when I have talk to him before -great leader hope you get it -SM Jeff Jr-
  7. just tell SMT so they know (so they don't demote you from inactiveness) other then that good luck whit school
  8. trust me 99% of the time someone remembers why they got banned (staff or players) and they will say it or SMT will know when it is something fishy
  9. - Big support -if you got banned a long time ago you dont have the evedence nor any screenshots video.
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