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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. If you feel like a staff member did something wrong make a staff report or contact me in ts so i can look into it but a suggestion is not needed
  2. +support - You are pretty active -mature - Would be fun to have more command on EU timezone -Pretty good app Good luck CPT Jeff Jr 1L45
  3. +support staff said it was false
  4. Will newel would make you scared trust me on that xD
  5. BMW EEEWWWWWWW you gotta drive the volvo man!
  6. But bob bob (dep comm) said that he doesn't have any power over pd? But it is nothing to fight over. So ye lets stop talking about if a CC have power over pd or not
  7. +support -Pretty active - we need more staff! -app pretty good -question 15 is pretty good -deserves a shot as staff! good luck!
  8. I don’t think it is how it works as the custom class not apart of pd you can’t boss over pd ( the rank you have ) on Pd is not the same you have on the custom class I am pretty sure As your custom class is not apart of PD If I am not wrong ?
  9. -support not needed it should be HA instead
  10. to be honest bambob you should not been acting like that ingame screaming and stuff but at the same time i understand what you are coming from. but i don't see why he should get banned. A warning should be good. yes he has a lot of warns but this is not something that deserves a ban in my opinion. -/+ support
  11. Pretty sure you can’t appeal all of them
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