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Everything posted by [GL]Bambob01

  1. https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/35427-ban-appeal-jack-skele/ +Support Accepted already
  2. Love it all the other servers have it so it will probably be free since he already owns the addon
  3. +Support will change this is smalls posts something
  4. +Support friendly I know this guy and know that his not the type of guy to be bad or anything I think you had the wrong guy and shold speak to him about it at least
  5. +Support Much love my man Active Mature Deals with situations how he should Overall Pretty cool guy
  6. Lemme reiterate with evidence you was being extremely rude and my opinion it should of been a warn I was sick of u saying shit about me but I let u off with just a warning no minge for saying it continuously after I said stop I feel as if this guy has it in for me Evidence below: http://prntscr.com/my13gx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E1dq6nGuo0&feature=youtu.be I hope that within this post people will see your disrespect and lies and realise that this was unjustified
  7. +Support Dealt with him on SCPRP Friendly Helping Fast At Responding Good Luck Baby shark boi
  8. +Support His, Friendly Active Trusted Knows what his doing long term member
  9. +Support His, Friendly Active Trusted Knows what his doing long term member
  10. + Support All Government was Dead the situation was over he showed me a video of the cops being dead so I think that its a false warning
  11. 8 bullets killed me with 255 armor 100 hp keep in mind there is 50 in the gun
  12. What you want to see? - The AWS Nerfed Why should we add it? - Because it is to op and it literally makes my Armor seem like a cotton jumper What are the advantages of having this? - makes gameplay more fair our guns are always nerfed why isn't there's Who is it mainly for? - Gov/Anyone on the wrong side of the gun Proof Of AWS to OP - http://prntscr.com/mqja7y http://prntscr.com/mqjanf https://youtu.be/yt2Xs1lVgiM EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-60qXFOc4A&feature=youtu.be Crouched (THAT ACCURACY) https://youtu.be/k0SU6KZFGnU Stood up no aim
  13. +Support Involved Staff said it was false also I feel that this should have been a verbal since he has had no trouble with staff before
  14. Just made a deal with weing next warning he gets is a 10000 second minge (30 thousand if staff can do it) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVo133IhHj8&feature=youtu.be
  15. Ive been seeing a lot of LOA's recently and I am coming to the conclusion that ratio will suffer in the server so if im needed just message me in TS or on this post im happy to end my LOA early to help within staffing I don't want players in the server to suffer because of no staff EDIT: Also can we wish spection well for whatever his going through right now
  16. Hope everything is okay have you in my prayers man see you when u get back
  17. would be so much more fun more realistic and would stop people running after revives
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