Biggest minge on the server, never plays by the rules, player disses constantly, mass rdm's but only on weekends so its cool, bad RPer(counters bank raids and gets away with it), bad at sits always throws me off the building and tp's me back!!!!1!!
For real tho
Huge big ole +Support
Active as hell
Knows the rules
Great RPer
Willing to help any and all in need
Abides and adheres to the staff handbook and the motd and is professional in all his sits and dealing with others
Overall maral definitely deserves a promo to admin he is one of the most active staff members(besides me when i was staff ? ) and in my opinion one of the best, when i was staff he was always willing to get on for staff ratio no matter what was going on rp wise, helped out other staff members and treated everyone equally with no favoritism or leniency towards friends/fellow staff
Best of luck mate i hope you get it you deserve this