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Everything posted by Phil

  1. firstly, this is in part of me regressing on my mental health and losing all interests in alot of things over the last 2 months its felt like more of a chore than anything to get up early in the mornings to be on for meetings and active on the server which is in no way the fault of the depts just silly timezone differences and the stresses of being in high command of 2 dept, a staff member and also a management member for UMC, it has been great playing with all of you guys. I'm keeping this short and sweet but you might see me on here and there and i wont be doing a lonng list of people i'd like to mention or anything cos theres too many with too many Im fond of, yall have been great thank yall for the good and the bad. this is FBI DCOS, HRT Commander and UMC LVL 7 Phil signing off
  2. +support 10/10 would donate for this
  3. Damn bruh finna be sad to see you go
  4. I have unfortunately have go put in my 48hr notice in, DS is a amazing department and i will forever wish nothing but the best for this department and the people that are in it, unfortunately I've been neglecting my duties in my own department and also in my HC position within FBI. Keep up the amazing work you guys do day in and day out Some thanks: Ecott: thank you for letting me be apart of your dept and your command, you truly are an exceptional leader. Calamity: you might not be in the dept anymore but you are still my lt Commander, thank you for all the work you've done. Rein: minge ty for being a great fellow command member Shindoom: keeps messing up the roster but thank you man you made ds fun To the rest i didnt tag thank you, yall made being in the dept memorable and fun af This is 1V72 signing off
  5. Marked on the roster!
  6. He might of forgot SRT but he hella slept on the real best RT, HRT BEST RT
  7. HRT Accepted Apps for 8/28/20: - CJ - Michael Please come speak to a SGT+ to be trained for HRT within a week of this post or you will have to apply again! Don't see your name on the list? check out why your app was denied here: Click here
  8. -denied Fr tho this is honestly so sad you'll forever be my Lt Commander thank you for all the work you've done for DS and for your kind words
  9. Bro what damn bruh sad to see you go, you are one of my og homies from when i first started minging 2years ago and I'll always remember the good rimes we had bruvva best of luck in your future endeavours bro fr
  10. Take all the time you need man, I'll put you on a 1 week LOA, if you come back sooner or need more time let a command member know
  11. Phil

    Whats your fav gun

    p08 luger, brings me back to my 1944rp days
  12. Phil

    Phils LOA

    Name: phil Rank: DCOS/HRT Commander LOA Time: 8/23 - 8/29 Reason (Private if needed): focusing on staff till i get past tmod
  13. Phil

    200th post

    Exposed? Hotel? Trivago
  14. nah thats fine mann, irl always comes before gaming take care bro! marked on roster
  15. bruh springs you said you were staying
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