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Everything posted by Phil

  1. I exhaled out of my nose slightly over this
  2. The forrest is hella fun tho
  3. Phil

    OG Is Back!!

    3 weeks till it goes away again bet
  4. who is really out here using their rep or bragging that they have more rep on the forums than others? pretty silly thing to be worried or upset about of all things -support
  5. This Roll call has since been closed. If you've missed the deadline you would have most likely been removed from the roster for failure to fill out this in time.
  6. I could kiss you my man hells yeah can't wait
  7. Damn he must be giving some bad help cos he's been hiding in spawn for a hella long time, few days even and too afraid to put tmz in his name
  8. Yall be hiding in spawn and still threatening us??? Shiver me timbers
  9. gf is temporary this wedding is once in a lifetime
  10. Also mans got banned for being a alt account, complaining about people breaking the rules while you've been the biggest rule breaker in this thread lmaoooo
  11. - support, sorry but it's a he said she said type of thing and video evidence is really needed specially for situations like this
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