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Everything posted by Phil

  1. +support Reached warn amount
  2. ^^^ Also i would leave out the FBI passport as this would just cause major issues regarding staff sits or complaints to FBI command that a undercover agent(crim who just bought the FBI passport) doing crime and using it to get away with it and said player if in FBI might receive unwarranted actions as it would be hard to discern if they are undercover or just bought the FBI passport(if they dont have evidence that it was just the passport and not them undercover)
  3. Proof that the warn is false? Format? Whats the warn for? Sounds like you killed him in a neutral zone which is warnable gangwar or not
  4. +support reported him ingame but no one on high enough to give sufficient ban
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^ This my thoughts exactly
  6. As 3rd top donator i approve of this message +support
  7. What you want to see? - Spawn fix for professional bank security officer from general spawn area to somewhere in bank Why should we add it? - so the job can spawn where its needed instead of general spawn and having to go to bank everytime they die What are the advantages of having this? - fixes the spawn for it Who is it mainly for? - platinum members who use the job Links to any content - N/A
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