Name: Tom
Rank: OFC
Status on the roster(Active, Inactive, etc.): Don't see m yself on the roster ? but I was trained today
What Specialty Classes are you: N/A
What can security improve on: Not really sure, I'm pretty new to the class ?
LOOL he just did it. In my opinion you should re-roll but maybe that's just my bias opinion ?
? But it's still unfair if someone who never followed the set rules won. GOODLUCK THO ?
@Hannah King The guy who won never followed you and never tagged 3 people. He just commented a random message on the post. Surely you must follow the format that you told us to follow?
You shouldn't be able to be a King and a TZ (Tom King TZ) for E.G... You should only be able to be apart of one family as that is the most realistic option in my opinion.
As a staff member you shouldn't be saying this in public chat.
If you @Melon aren't happy with the server and about how GL gathers its income you should go to Zeeptin instead of complaining in general chat