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[GL] Tom

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Everything posted by [GL] Tom

  1. +Support Extremely active in Teamspeak Good application Very kind & approachable Professional Give my boiii ignoots support
  2. jhgsjdfoihsgjidfgikfmigjspodfigipjdfihu[dkgkdjfghpdjkgokfdpohjpigfjdkgdfpokg is my real name!
  3. You're such a bad minge, reported You're such a bad minge, reported You're such a bad minge, reported Your family is trash, McTrashin I just pulled up in a GTR Cucked that biatch up out in Rockford (up out in) Then I cucked up on his family Or the PD, I don't know nothin' (uh-uh, woo) And my trigger gettin' ignorant Like a taurus, biatch, we ignant (ignant, yeah) All this water on my neck Look like I fell when I went killin' (fell)
  4. Si senior

    1. [GL] Elapin

      [GL] Elapin

      What is this Status Update for?


    2. [GL] Tom
    3. [GL] Elapin

      [GL] Elapin

      are you in game?


      and question, are meetings on friday now or are they still on saturday


  5. Best awper on the whole of gaminglight!!!
  6. You're such a fudging cow, I love it!
  7. It doesn't matter if it was a dinosaur from 300 years ago who banned you, evidence / a dispute is still required. Him no longer being apart of GamingLight does not deem all his bans false.
  8. @October Congrats on DAD ? my dad xddd
  9. [GL] Tom

    Quake CC SOP

    He created an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) so there is set rules to follow when on the custom class to prevent any possible minging or rule breaking. I presume his initial reasoning to make this was because he noticed that people in his custom class where minging; therefore, created this SOP to refer back on in any future incidents.
  10. [GL] Tom

    Quake CC SOP

    It's a custom class that he created for PoliceRP.
  11. I mean, if you feel like the time that the officer set was extremely unreasonable you could just report him on the forums under the pd section or if it was blatantly obvious just call staff. An officer shouldn't hold a grudge and should never when going into a situation show any kind of prejudice, if an officer does do this to you, I can asure you that they will not make it very far up the ranks and should not be too much of a long time problem to you. I understand that your rant was to let out anger but you could of deserved a 10 year sentence, I'm not too sure but as I always say, there is always two sides to a story.
  12. oh jeeez... stay away from kittens! I love cats!!!! ??
  13. A face reveal... Pffft XD I got videos of me dancing on the forums s ?
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