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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. Name: Mikedagamer | Callsign 1A26. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171626137 Current rank: Sergeant Major (SM). How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are): I believe it has been 4-5 weeks. Rank Wanted: Lieutenant (LT). How many warns do you have? 0. Do you have a Working mic? Of course. Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A. Why should you be promoted? : I feel that I should be promoted as I am on every single day of the week for extensive amounts of time (At least 2 hours on weekdays and 4 hours on weekend days). Furthermore, I feel that I excel at commanding officers in a professional and respectful demeanor, with strictness but a sense of mercy. I have an extensive amount of knowledge on both the server and command as I am a department commander. I have a strict discipline that my real life encounters have helped germinate, and I show a high amount of respect for my colleagues and my higher-ups. I would be a great candidate for the position because of my vast RP skills, training skills, communication skills, problem-solving skills, driving skills, shooting skills, and ability to make PD a respected branch. This being said, I will go out of my way to do things outside the server such as making penal codes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11awKPcd_RPbFGCI0F7F29seQaZn8eiNZgblr9QGzdpo, to making banners for PD documents: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Oq8LlFvHpLTDef2GogkCNt-kls48BrIlRQvSXoWGK0. This shows that I have both dedication and hard work skills to get things done, all of which are essential for command. Concluding, I am a prime pick for LT because I show potential within the branch, am well known by people on the server, have a strong passion to please the server, know the whole MOTD very well (I am a SNR Mod after all), I stay up to date on all forum posts/updates, I am always in TS, I almost always make meetings on time, I have a vast amount of knowledge about PD procedures, and just a loyal member of this wonderful community (All I want is for this community to thrive and prosper). You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes.
  2. xD Fame we actually need to make a tow service
  3. + Support I think they deserve a chance at staff, I see them on a lot. However, as far as I have seen they tend to advertise their app on the server. Good luck!
  4. + Support +Good app +Active +Low warns -Inactive forums account -Only been with the community for one month Good luck!
  5. - Support -Replied to own app -Not a very well written app -Imactive forums account +Staffing experience +Seen on the server a lot Good luck though!
  6. + Support Although I myself have never seen you on the server, I think that you would make a great staff member. Good luck!
  7. - Support Although I have seen you on the server, your warn count is fairly high, your forums account is inactive, and your app really has no effort in it. Good luck though!
  8. +/- Support I have seen you on the server before and you alright, it’s just the writing skill in your app makes me question your maturity. Good luck!
  9. At one point it was turned on for about 15 min a few days ago and everyone was so confused. But this would be a cool thing to have permanently At one point it was turned on for about 15 min a few days ago and everyone was so confused. But this would be a cool thing to have permanently
  10. I am sorry guys I don’t have the best WiFi so it takes a bit to join the server, also my mother needed me quickly for something I would rather not say, I didn’t mean to leave my gmod running but it was an urgent thing that drew my attention away from that. Again sorry, I forgot to turn my laptop off.
  11. Pheww isn’t this that dude that impersonates a super admin? Jk your deserve the rank, good luck!
  12. +/- Support I see you on the server all the time and know your active, it’s just that I never really see you on SM. Good luck though!
  13. - Support JK + Support Your a great player with plenty of experience from staffing on MilRP. Good luck!
  14. The only thing I would say is to be more active in pd if you get LT. Good luck!
  15. + Support I don’t think a full removal is necessary, maybe just a strike or stern talking too.
  16. I prefer Track ball mice over normal laser mice. Also PS4 is not that good
  17. What you want to see? - New shields for the server. Why should we add it? - Because the current shields are so boxy and bland. Also they have terrible hit boxes. What are the advantages of having this? - Better rp for all players. Each branch could have their own type of shield since there are multiple types of shields. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/4081/precision-shield-this-is-how-shield-should-be
  18. Mike_da_noob

    Add Fist ?

    + Huge Support Ok so this may get abused so maybe we could add it to the VIP+ players so that they spawn with it every time. This would really be a great way to add rp to the server, plus we already have it in the packs!
  19. - Support Well they are British in an American city.
  20. Hey guys! So I joined this community around April of last year making this around my one year anniversary on GamingLight. I still remember looking for a new and exciting RP server to play when I came across PoliceRP. Luckily I clicked this server at the time and loved it ever since. Enough about that, here are some facts about me: I love cats sooo much (I have always wanted a munchkin cat or a Russian blue). I live in the sunny state of Florida! My hobbies include recreational shooting, fishing, boating, volleyball, and gaming. My favoriate TV shows are The Office, Parks and Recreation, and the X-Files. I have played Gmod for about two years now and have 1,500+ hours. Other games I like to play are Overwatch and Rainbow Six (I am ok at them) Well I guess that is enough rambling, but one more thing I don’t mind being called a noob, so knock yourself out!
  21. + Support Regardless of the fearRP breach, he did try to RDM you afterwards.
  22. You need 48 hours on the server. If you have any other questions please post them in the support tab below or request aid in ts at ts.gaminglight.com
  23. Please specify the date you joined the community, use your warn’s dates for reference if need be. Either edit the post with the date or pm me it (Don’t respond to the app ;)
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