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Everything posted by Dane

  1. +/-Support You just got Sergeant Major, 4 days is not enough to apply for the Lieutenant rank. I'd say give it about either 3 weeks or a month before you apply for Lieutenant. You're a pretty good SM though, so yeah. -Captain Dane
  2. Lance Captain isn't a rank, but Lieutenant is. I suggest you fix up the application before PD High Command denies it.
  3. -Support I still don't think you are fit for the rank. I don't see you on the SM job that much. I don't see you training cadets that much. I don't see you assisting our fellow officers that much. 1-2 Weeks is not enough time to apply for Lieutenant. Overall, I don't think you deserve the Lieutenant rank yet. The amount of effort you put in your application is okay, but your attitude towards others seems concerning to me. I see that you disagree with how people giving you criticism and voicing their own opinion about you, which just shows us that you are unprofessional, no offense. We give you criticism for you to improve, so that the next time you re-apply, you are betterer than before. Right now, I just don't think you are ready for PD Command yet. Take this as a criticism for you to improve, and not as a hate. I do not dislike you, you're still a great person and staff. Best of luck.
  4. +Support Would make players more happy with these new cars. Besides, I'm getting kinda bored with the current vehicles that we have now.
  5. -Support Sure it's a great idea and it improves roleplay. But, if you think about the minges that just joined the server, they would just buy a cheap car and run people over way too many times and staff would have to get on to deal with a lot of car death match sits. It would make a lot of the player base unhappy and unsatisfied with them getting strucked by a vehicle and lose their armor and guns that they have, and staff has to get on duty a lot to deal with this kind of matter.
  6. -Support The current map we have is pretty fine. But I do have to agree on what ArmyGuy said, maps do get a little boring after a while.
  7. -Support Never seen you in-game. Never seen you in TS. Application has little to no effort. Application has no poll. Forums account is inactive. Overall, you deserve a chance on being staff but I don't think you are ready yet. Re-apply later when you are well known towards the community, put more effort into your application, and be active on TS, In-game and on the forums. Then I might consider giving you a +Support. Good luck.
  8. -Support I have never seen you in-game. Never seen you in TS either. Forums account is pretty inactive. Poll is public, make it private! Overall, you deserve a chance on being staff. But I want to see some activity on the server or in TeamSpeak or the forums and also be well known towards the community, then I might consider changing this to a +Support. Good luck.
  9. -Support I see you on the server, but not as often. #15 is not really correct, you cannot minge someone for 10,000 Seconds. Replied to own application. Application could use more effort. TeamSpeak activity needs to improve alongside with in-game. Forums activity needs to definitely improve. Post more things on the forums! Overall, you deserve a chance on being staff. But I just don't think you are ready yet to become one. I think you should be well known on the community as you are pretty new, and improve your in-game, forums and TeamSpeak activity. Other than that, best of luck in your app!
  10. +/- Support Pretty active in-game and in TS. Forums activity could use some improvements. High amount of warnings. Application is pretty good. No poll in your application. You're pretty nice to others. Overall, you deserve a chance, but I just don't think that you are pretty ready yet. There are some downsides, and there are some upsides. I suggest you should improve your activity and be well known towards the community, then I would consider changing this to a +Support! Best of luck.
  11. -Support I don't see you online in-game as much. I don't see you online in TeamSpeak as much as well. Forums activity needs to definitely improve. Application needs a bit more effort. No poll on your application. Overall, I can't really voice my own opinions that will help support you on staffing as I don't see you online in-game or in TeamSpeak that much. Although, you have experiences and I think that your application is fine, I would only like to see more effort to it. Other than all this, you deserve a chance on becoming part of the PoliceRP staff team, but I just do not think that you are ready to become one yet. Best of luck!
  12. +Support Active everyday in-game and in TeamSpeak. Forums activity is pretty good, but could use some improvements. Application is decent with great amount of effort. Professional, mature and friendly. No warnings. Has experiences on staffing. Knows the rules well and enforces them well. Deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP Staff team. Overall, Dan deserves a chance on becoming part of the PoliceRP Staff team. Best of luck in your application!
  13. +Support Reasons stated above.
  14. +Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak. Active on the forums. Professional and mature. Great and active supervisor. Assist officers when they are in need. Application is decent with great amount of effort. Enough time to apply for Captain. Deserves the Captain rank and is ready for it. Overall, Matthew deserves to be a PD Captain! I have seen him do his job pretty well, and he is on whenever I am on. Best of luck, Matthew! -Captain Dane
  15. +Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak. Activity on the forums is great. Application has a great amount of effort. Low amount of warns. Knows the rules pretty well. Mature and friendly towards other players. Overall, Joe deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP staff team. Best of luck!
  16. +Support Pretty active in-game and in TeamSpeak. Activity on the forums is pretty good. Application is pretty decent. No warnings, shows that he doesn't break rules. Has a lot of Garry's Mod Staffing experiences. Mature, nice and friendly towards others. Long time member of the community. Overall, Boonie deserves a chance on being part of the PoliceRP Staff team. Best of luck in your application!
  17. +Support Evidence is clear, and as stated in the staff handbook: Regardless of the situation, he shouldn't have used his powers when he is not on duty, especially that he is currently a Donor Mod. The punishment is acceptable and I do believe that a strike is not necessarily needed.
  18. +Support Active in-game and in TeamSpeak Friendly and nice towards others Professional and mature when he is on the SM job Has been a SM for a really long time Ready and fit for command Deserves a chance Assists officers when they need help Application is pretty decent Overall, Jakeee deserves a chance on being part of PD low command because of his professionalism and maturity when he is on the SM job. Good luck.
  19. Dane

    Staff Report

    I do admit, this was my bad and I should have actually got on duty for this. However, I would like to mention that I was tabbed out of Garry's Mod and I was on the forums, and I was also speaking to Munchies, Voxis, and Josh at the same time while I was looking at the forums. I didn't realize that there were no staff on duty at that time. I do apologize for what I have done, and I will accept any punishments that SMT will give towards me.
  20. +Support Active in-game and in teamspeak Active on the forums Has experiences on staffing Former staff member on PRP Low amount of warns Application has a great amount of effort Knows the rules pretty well Deserves a chance on being staff Best of luck in your app.
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