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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by th3

  1. th3

    Jail after death

    If a criminal dies from raiding another base then they can be arrested after being revived. If they die raiding pd then they cant be arrested after being revived but must be taken to the hospital.
  2. -Support -At no point is there any proof showing that not enough staff on.
  3. My main issue is it sucks as an OFC to get killed again and again with a sucky glock. Make it so ofC has access to a mp5 then +support but right now it just seems unfair to them.
  4. th3


    I remember when you got donor mod, it was just us two online staffing. The good old days. Sad to see you leave and I do hope you come back. Stay in touch man
  5. Well just put effort in, no one wants to see someone applying who wont put effort in. You can look at my tmod app as inspiration :)
  6. Keep up the good work and you'll get there one day.
  7. -Support Not enough time
  8. -support no evidence provided which is required. more than 3 months old did not follow the format
  9. th3


    -support Its the staff members discretion on the punishment and length of it. It just seems like you are trying to get him in trouble over something that didn't go your way.
  10. Change the type of content from poll content only on your other post in order for people to comment on it
  11. th3

    Naby Ban Request

    Why does it say ban request?
  12. To reduce posts of loas commanders can have their troops post on google documents when loa's happen. -support unneeded
  13. -support wrong section to place this in. There was no violation of the staff-handbook so this should be a warn request.
  14. Warn system won't allow removal of just one warn, this means you would get warns wiped if they tried to remove them right now. After Zeeptin fixes that any appealed warns would be removed.
  15. -Support -No actual evidence -No clear statement of what exactly happened.
  16. th3

    Vodniks S-Mod app

    -support Before my transfer to SWRP, barely active on staff Not sure about now
  17. th3

    MOTD broken

    Please include what is broken about it. Simply putting that its broken doesnt clarify what would need to be fixed.
  18. Forum diplomats cant do anything but move and hide ;-;
  19. th3

    warn appeal

    He can appeal every warn he gets, except for those that are more than 3 months ago. The whole point of appealing is to prove that the warn was not valid. Simply assuming every time that someone was warned for a valid reason defeats the purpose of having warn appeals.
  20. th3

    LT App for Links

    Why was he banned for that reason?
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