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Everything posted by th3

  1. +support -active -mature -knows how to lead -3 weeks is long enough
  2. 23 out of 30 calls I had tonight were involving you guys, I think you should just chill and attempt to rp more than randomly shooting
  3. -support Zeeptin stated earlier that the bit miners 2 weren't causing the lag
  4. +support change the warn request to player disrespect and then it should be fine
  5. th3

    Warn Appeal

    Have a super admin remove the 2 warns and replace it with 1 warn
  6. th3

    False Warn

    While I am not aware of any specifics of the warn his internet cut out earlier so I doubt he has had troubles in the past @Closeman
  7. th3

    Store Suggestion

    ? No its removing a misleading line on the description in the store. it wouldn't change anything ingame
  8. Here's my guess on why he is putting this here. You stopped the jailbreak due to suspected rule breaking and when trying to stop it out of character he was killed. Then his body disappeared and he said it was a glitch and then got warned after you couldnt repeat the results. Was he killed during a staff situation? Because then him respawning wouldn't really matter because its a staff situation and you can just bring or forcerespawn him. If he was then the warn is false but if im interpreting the situation incorrectly then let me know.
  9. th3

    False Warn

    +support should have been removed previously Edit: Just FYI He doesn't have perms to remove it himself and you should have posted this appeal immediately instead of him.
  10. I understand Nolan telling you but he may not have known that you only got it yesterday, I think you should wait longer
  11. -support while I don't disagree that you haven't been a minge you have to realize you broke rules that were established and that you agreed on every time you clicked close or slid to the left when entering the server. Regardless of who was management that doesn't excuse anything. That's like saying if you disagree with Snar then you intentionally break the rules that your feelings against former management excuses the warns you received for intentionally breaking rules.
  12. +support evidence is there however you have access to the force job command and nothing is preventing you from using it while on duty and only to fix the ratio and prevent reports like these
  13. Did you stop the jailbreak like he said? What I am interpreting is that you stopped the jailbreak but he was killed during that
  14. I hate when people give -reps especially on leaving threads. Regardless of what happened its shit and you should maintain some sort of civility regardless of your interactions with that person. Sad to see you are leaving Jerry, hopefully you still remain in touch
  15. +support -active friendly knowledge of rules not a minge warns are high but I honestly think that doesnt really matter as he has conducted himself with good nature while on the server and never has any staff calls against him
  16. th3

    Store Suggestion

    What you want to see? - Change the description on donor mods so it says unique tags ingame. Why should we add it? - Because donor mods dont get tags on the forums and its misleading What are the advantages of having this? - Stops misleading people buying things on the store who see that. Plus dealing with people who purchased it who realize after the fact that they dont get tags is frustrating Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content -https://gyazo.com/c656d62e68b9d285ef51f0927284ddfb
  17. My issue is I haven't seen you on sm and didn't know you had it -/+ +mature +knows rules and guidelines -haven't seen on the job, mainly on swat or staff
  18. -support -You deserve a warn for prop climb
  19. Huge +support Active Friendly Trains Cadets Knows rules and regulations surrounding the police department Would make a great LT
  20. th3


    -support -no evidence -warn appeals in the past have been denied for the exact same thing you got warned for -tagged SMT in post violation of forum rules The issue is with people saying Nolan said this or Nolan said that is there is no way to verify it's true without confirmation from him and wasting time. Either way I'm -supporting this because Sassi was going off of what he knew at the time and just because you are alone up on the hospital doesn't mean it's a secluded area.
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