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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by th3

  1. Jobs have to be manually added/removed from each individual keypads, I’ll ask igneous if he is still able to edit them
  2. -/+ Support I feel as though you should go over the procedures in the staff handbook again. Also answering question 12 would be great! Overall its an ok application that seems a little distracted, I would encourage you to look at question 15 and rephrase why you think you deserve a Trial Moderator rank. Also havent really seen you on except for the past few days so perhaps being more active on teamspeak. Good luck!!!!
  3. +Support An active, dedicated member of Research who deserves the rank he has applied for. I really want him to get it. NTF Commander th3
  4. Welcome to Gaminglight!! I look forward to staffing and roleplaying with you on the SCPRP server! ?
  5. th3

    Chiefs staff app

    -Support I feel like you should be restricted from applying for at least a month due to the stuff you did while an Event Team Member. I wouldn't feel comfortable if you were on staff due to that.
  6. +Support. Its obvious proof, dont want that kind of player on Gaminglight.
  7. It’s always an issue when most of the tac units members go to bed or get off. Something should be done
  8. +Support Super Active Friendly Knows the rules/Not a minge Would be a good fit for Staff.
  9. -/+ Support Friendly Active Aware of the rules However I feel like you should look at your answer to q.16 as it does seem like you haven’t read over the Staff Handbook in closer detail to include what October said.
  10. He is clarifying something just to make sure people don’t vote simply based off of that. He isn’t replying to argue but simply to explain. +Support Active. Friendly. Good SM and would be a good fit for support. However, I feel like you should read over the reason why you want to be support as it does seem a little rushed.
  11. @Ajax @October Just let JMT know and they can bring it to SMT, it is technically considered raiding another server so just let Mike do what he feels necessary! ?
  12. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2znPTbDBj_EqrTwYvjLEQVOk3ezF7wPVymz_KQPvp_b_caA/viewform?usp=pp_url @CrimzonEmpire this is the form you need to look at, sorry if I didnt make it clear
  13. Why not wait it out?? +Support I guess
  14. He is higher than Recruit so that’s why he is making this.
  15. th3

    Tooth Ban Request

    -support Especially on policerp, warns from other servers show up in the total so that may not be the total he actually has. Besides I can’t even read the warns so I would be careful of duplicates
  16. Check your store profile, it should have updated already
  17. +Support Active Not mingy Friendly I would like Ham to have a chance at being an event team member.
  18. What happened to the other app you had?
  19. Congratulations to the winner.... @Emmu06
  20. In that case -/+ support I would like for you to get at least a couple more days as a regular player so staff/event team members can gather their opinions about you. havent been at my laptop all day today so I will check them when I get back around 30 minutes from now
  21. What is the name in game that you use? As Commander of NTF I know everyone I promoted. Unless you are still a recruit.
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