So I will put my input here.
I have already spoken with him about the issue of people not knowing there was an event and how to fix that in the future. At no point in the video you provided was Kade the 2nd running an event off duty and I will say that the permissions do not allow Staff(Event Team staff count as well) to use powers like modeling and what the video showed, off duty.
During the event, He was rping as a Chef. What I noticed in the video was that D class were ordering things from him and then he would go and get it. Repeatedly they ask for TnT. I don't see the issue with the spawning the tnt as it was allowing the D Class Personnel to choose what they wanted.
Your points about him abusing constantly aren't really related as there is no proof for those allegations. If you do have proof then please provide it.
As for the prop block, what would happen if he did not have it blocked? D Class Players would swarm in and whatever they would do to SCP 294 would be his responsibility. I don't see the issue with him controlling access to it.
To address the second part of the video with the gun shop, Im going to talk with Kade (The ETL) about those kind of events and go over the video with him.
Any arguing will be hidden. You should only leave one post with your - or + support and let SMT make the decision on this.