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Kim Yo Suk

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Everything posted by Kim Yo Suk

  1. Now becomes a staff issue because why does walrus believe you don't deserve the warn then? What have you told him that made him think you don't deserve it at all. If I heard this from you, I would bring both of you and give an apology and hope by gone be bygones. But if the person insists on still warning you then I would have to talk to SA+ to get permission to warn you. Walrus did none of that...
  2. RDM a person...laughs it off then to top it all off he made up a story about him "harassing" all done by admin BTW....I see
  3. Are we talking about a trial mod or admin?
  4. +support The admin should be demoted down to senior moderator and that isn't harsh let me explain why. -He lied in a sit to cover his rear -He lied to the staff -He did not admit to RDM So if we have a staff (ADMN RANK) doing all of this. How can we trust him anymore?
  5. Honestly, it looks like those type of people aren't even on the forum lol
  6. The whole point is my report is supposed to be anonymous and be judged by only who have access to it so I don't have to have an argument with you on the forum. And not give it away like that. But your comment is pretty insulting one and violate this policy of this forum. http://prntscr.com/l59our
  7. Nice of you to discourage people with ideas even it bad ones. And not nice of you to insult people like that. BTW since you probably know I reported you. I like to know who inform my anonymous report or I'm going have to force you by SMT.
  8. +support IDK why it even a good idea with all this lag in this server
  9. Kim Yo Suk

    Map Edit?

    the map really need optimization for boost performance
  10. It gonna be very hard for you to get any RP done in court TBH
  11. Could you please why the person(EMS) AFK right in front of the hospital for a good hour? Antoher event is that staff have to vote demote on EMS. Usually it just 1 EMS online only I find in my experience AFK
  12. +support Not only he failrp Failure to valid hostage life and his own too. Outgunned by 3 criminals. Ruining RP for all criminals.
  13. How's "Is EMS AFK?" a disrespectful when it is a legit question. BTW maybe if some EMS can legit stop being AFK for real.
  14. +support Please give FBI tactical units as they deserve it. Why is it Secret Services have their own tactical units? No one asks for it and yet they get it since day 1.
  15. Would need to hear spection side of perspective before any judgment can be made.
  16. Strange what class do you have access to?
  17. Correction 2 per person who has access to it.
  18. +Support IDK if I should make a separate report or not He RDM twice one near the beginning and one at the end Self-supply to kill people It looks like aftermath from the first video too XD
  19. Very nice apology ? All is forgiven but take it to PM no need to make it public XD
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