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Everything posted by Inactive

  1. DOOMSDAY INC. INFORMATION BOARD Roster: Find everyone in Doomsday Inc. here SOP: Find out how we operate here Trainee Guide: Get some useful information for trainees here Application: Join Doomsday Inc. using this form Member Report: Report a Doomsday Inc. member using this form LOA Request: Fill this form out to be excused temporarily for inactivity Promotion Request: Get that long awaited promotion by filling this form out Discord: Join the Discord to stay up to date with changes being made Suggestion: Suggest a change for Doomsday Inc. using this form
  2. To those saying bio thieves need to use the BMD, this makes very little sense. The point of the job is to be convenient, requiring no extra gear to do most crimes. Having to purchase the normal lock pick from a BMD would ruin this aspect of the job, and is practically impossible, as nobody ever sets up a BMD shop
  3. @4 Man Army I have privately messaged you about so you would stop and not make me call you out, but you refused to listen. Responding to an application/report of your own is not allowed, but you have one-uped this, responding to everyone that doesnt share your opinion, telling them that they can’t think a certain way which is unacceptable. You have stated your side of the story, along with your opinion on the matter, so let everyone else state theirs. There is absolutely no reason for this type of behavior, and it only shows your own immaturity.
  4. This appeal is for that situation (sorry for replying, but this has to be addressed)
  5. The original build sign was removed for some reason. Regardless of it's existance at the time of you kidnapping me, there were not 10+ PD on, so it was still fail rp. After realizing the sign was missing, I fixed it, and you proceeded to mug me, which is violating the building sign. As for the NLR, I've already had a debate with Ender about this. If I am OOC, my character doesn't return to the location of my previous death, therefore NLR is not being breached. I also like how you cut out the part where you were harrassing me, pestering me about what I do outside of Gmod, which led to me reaching my breaking point. I agree I definitely didn't keep as calm as I should have, but I've certainly broken no rules, especially not NLR. You on the other hand have unintentionally proven yourself to have. Also @Bandit99 handled this already and decided not to warn me, so why are you continuing this. Is it because you can't accept I've done nothing wrong? I didn't accidentally delete the first text screen. I know this because I wasn't able to spawn more than one, meaning my original one had been moved somewhere. Also, this should be a player report, as I wasn't on staff or using my staff powers.
  6. Your In-game: Ryan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514 The admin's name in-game: Ender The admin's steam name (If you know it): EnderKnight57 What warning did you receive: NLR Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Breaking NLR | Appeal @Gaminglight.com/forums (copied from the !warn page) Why do you think this warn was false: As I explained numerous times during the sit, I was OOC spectating so that I didn't walk back in characterly until the PD finished raiding. This means that my new character technically didn't return, and therefore I couldn't have broken NLR. I was silently watching in the corner of the room, not interfering or doing anything to make my presence noticeable so that I wasn't causing issues while doing so. The reason I had to do this is because I was to just wait my NLR and return in characterly, if cops are still inside my base, I can be arrested despite being a new person. Nothing in the motd indicates that this is against the rules. Ender claimed the motd states being OOC is against the rules, but refused to tell me where the motd says multiple times. This OOC rule is the reason why pd that die in a jailbreak can watch the jailbreak from their spawn room. Any extra information: I spoke with Icon, and he agreed that the warn made no sense, as I haven't technically broken NLR Also note that this behavior isn't benifiting me in-character. It purely is to ensure that I don't return early
  7. He deleted it, but he responded to my negative support
  8. - Support -In my experience, he's extremely toxic (about as toxic as Valkyrie was) to people who don't agree with him. -He can't take criticism (like, at all) +Extremely well known, and definitely knows the rules All in all, he does have the potential, but he simply won't be able to keep calm with constant minges. This is a bad quality to have.
  9. I neither recall seeing that ping, nor telling him to "stfu." If I did it was certainly in a joking manner, as I definitely would not seriously tell high command to "shut the fuck up"
  10. A while back I was striked for "command disrespect." I did not, and still do know what I did/said, and I was never informed of the situation that led to the strike. I have ignored it due to the fact I didn't know enough to really do anything, but I would like to try to remove it, or at the very least, figure out what I did to receive it so I can learn from it.
  11. Name: (In-game name) Ryan Rank: (rank inside FR, NOT EMS or FD) JFR How active are you: (Activity approximated, Active, Semi Active, or Inactive; Put reason if Inactive/Semi and be honest we will check. If you have been inactive put it and we will give you a chance to become more active!) Active Why should you remain a part of First Response: (At least 30 Words) I enjoy playing on it, and would like to see the department grow What changes would you like to see: (Anything) More cars/ranks
  12. The mocking tone comes off as rude and disrespectful.
  13. Disrespectful comments are not needed here.
  15. Name: Ryan Rank: Paramedic How active are you: Active Why should you remain a part of EMS department: I have dedicated large amounts of time in the department. I am also an ex-high command. What changes would you like to see: Fire department staying ;(
  16. OPERATION RESCUE After recent events, it has become clear Ace's lifetime is limited. Operation rescue has hereby been initiated in an attempt to save the family from falling. The goal of the operation is to end any mingy tenancies of the family once and for all, so that ACE does not fall in the same way ICE did. Part One: Warn Cap From this point on, new members are required to have less than 20 warns. Warns over four months old do not count towards the limit. Any current member that reaches the limit will be removed. Part Two: One for One Any member who receives a warn from staff will receive a strike in the family. Strikes may be removed, however, if High Command feels as if the warn was false, or if the warn is successfully appealed. Part Three: Crime Approval Any non-major crime will now require approval from Low or High command. This includes raiding, mugging, shooting cops, etc. Major crimes will require permission from High Command. Violations of this policy will result in a three month blacklist. Crimes against families at war with Ace do not count. Part Four: Organized Promotions Ace members may now only receive two promotions per week. Promotions during a meeting do not count towards the promotion limit. Part Five: Compensation Anyone affected from an ACE member misbehaving is subject to compensation. Depending on the cost of what was lost, High Command may compensate up to 250k to alleviate damages. Thank you for your patience as this operation takes effect, Overseer Ryan ACE
  17. uh oh. I remember you guys from before. You were directly below Yukis in danger level.
  18. the fuck does that mean lol
  19. No. ICE was officially disbanded. However, a couple of the original members of ICE are the ones who created ACE, and using what was learned from ICE's failure we are working on setting everything up from scratch.
  20. The information board is currently receiving maintenance, and is temporarily unavailable. Links: Discord: https://discord.gg/EEyhpdH Application: https://forms.gle/j3GQnSoZjxHCXj8t7 Member Report: https://forms.gle/KH6j3BgPQBBA4ro78 SOP: currently unavailable Roster: currently unavailable
  22. Since my return to Gaminglight I’ve met quite a few people. Many of them have heard that I was a member of the community in the old days, but nobody knows what happened that made me leave for over two and a half years. A lot of them have asked me about it, but the story is extremely long winded, and is full of painful memories of how bad and constantly stressful the situation was. Tonight I decided to go back through old posts that are still around from when it was still happening. Using the old posts, I have refreshed my memory to the best of my abilities Please understand certain details may be forgotten or slightly incorrect. Nevertheless, I have written the full story start to finish, beginning with a forgotten Gaminglight meme known as the - repping meme. I kindly request for this meme to remain dead forever, and will be going directly to SMT if anyone does anything from it. I was in one of my numerous custom bases making meth that i was spewing all over the little town a few of us were making, when someone mentioned in advert something about me going from +7 to -2 reputation points on the forums within one day (i dont remember which post caused this). This was a big deal, as this had never happened to anyone before. I was the first to ever lose that much rep so quickly. I responded to the advert with a pun about the situation, and then another person adverted “not funny. - rep.” It was funny to people, and people started saying “(funny reason), - rep” when I adverted anything or said anything in ooc. I was enjoying the meme (and maybe the mass attention) and went along with it, even making jokes as well. I thought it would be a funny day i could remember later, but i was so unbelievably wrong. This trend slowly grew, and eventually it was at the point where I’d come home and see everyone using their 5 reputation points for the day to - rep my posts. Some even making alts to get more - rep points. It didnt stop there. Every time i went in game people said “- rep” to my every. Fucking. Move. It was annoying fast, but I didn’t care, as it didnt hurt anyone. What really crossed the line was Lut trying to get me to lose my Moderator position because I was at -85 rep. At this point I made the infamous “The - repping has gone too far” post that hit #1 trending post on the Gaminglight forums for over 72 hours. This helped slow the meme, as a fair number of people who respected my request did stop. However there were a lot of people who wanted to use the - repping in a toxic manner. People attacked my staff position, EMS High Command position, any application I made, and would send me forum dms harassing me about it. Each and every day I came home from long days at school to get these kinds of things in my notifications https://imgur.com/gallery/RXBJk (this was originally a compilation I made to report someone to SMT in an attempt to show people I was serious) After a few months had passed Since the original advert that started it, SMT felt bad about how I was being treated and they reset my reputation points to 0. Luckily it worked and the - repping ended. However people after this continued to resent me greatly. Left and right people would try to report me for the littlest things. (There was literally a staff report against me because I tabbed out to look at forums for a couple minutes). A few staff were even warning me for bullshit reasons to try to push my warn count above 40 to get me permabanned, leading to this post. SMT at this point were aware of it all, and wanted to help stop it, but there was nothing anyone could do to make the toxicity go away. SMT did what they could nevertheless, by not banning me at 40 warns, resetting my rep, and taking action when possible. Unfortunately people were easily able to get around this, since it would have to be extremely direct and obvious for action to be possible. People additionally used the “critisism” card and SMT couldn’t say no without heavy backlash. I was being heavily degraded mentally and emotionally, constantly under stress even when not playing the game. On may 21’st 2018 I finally gave up and left the community, unable to go on any longer. Going through the old posts from back then was not easy for me. Reading each thread was like reliving it, and even today is difficult to think deeply about it. Nobody should ever have to experience anything like this, and we must take care to ensure it never happens to anyone else.
  23. You were always a chill, fun to hang out with person back before ICE disbanded. You may have said some extremely negative things towards ICE’s disbanding and Reaper’s permaban, but you will always keep my respect. Good luck on your future endeavors.
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