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Everything posted by Unkn0wn_F1R3

  1. +Support Any government job can be abused especially PD which Has a lot more than a tazer and cuffs. Could be for VIP+
  2. Denied Activity needs improvement (exceptions may be made for your situation) & Performance needs Improvement
  3. Denied Forum Activity & In Game Activity Need improvement, App needs working on
  4. Unkn0wn_F1R3


    -Support Open a new tab, use a phone or tablet etc. It would cause lag and abuse on the server which isn't necessary
  5. -Support They look very similar to the current Ford Tauruses and require two huge car packs for one vehicle. Your current vehicles are fine but if you were to get new ones, it wouldn't be ones that require huge file sizes.
  6. Gotta admit, warning and minging people for 10 mins for coming near a video someone is making while staff are ignoring every call people make is pretty annoying. Least they could have done is get another staff member on. Here's an example of what was happening whilst staff was ignoring everyone. https://steamcommunity.com/id/EternityAgar/screenshot/948455766770149450
  7. Can you get a link to something like this please otherwise there's not much we can say about your suggestion
  8. -Support Was added and removed and state troopers pretty much do the exact job you've stated.
  9. England, Wales, isle of man, France, Portugal and a few others around the uk
  10. Unkn0wn_F1R3

    Whats up

    I play fortnite but I'd rather have pubg
  11. Applicant was required to apply when he thought he was active enough, not 1-2 weeks. if you read the app you will see he has myself and Noots permission.
  12. +/-Support Instead of bringing in a whole new department/tac team you could introduce a role in your ems called combat medic which would go to raids and help there (would have miminal weaponry and would be the last to move in). Second model is defo better.
  13. Unkn0wn_F1R3


    Police, it's the main reason the server has it's name and it's the core of the server itself.
  14. +Support Starting to regain activity and I (personally) have seen you on the server quite often. Has good experience of being a staff member and was a great one too, back then.
  15. Denied Please re-apply when activity has improved
  16. Denied Activity needs improvement
  17. Higher ranking PD can pull over lower ranks in PD if needed but it shouldn't happen cross departments.
  18. Denied Activity & Performance needs working on more effort needed
  19. Denied Activity & Performance needs working on
  20. Denied Activity needs Improvement
  21. You'd need to find an addon for it but as long as you can't earn tons of money or if it's player v player I think it could work well.
  22. Only issue for me is it's not very obvious which subforum have been posted in as the text only becomes a tiny bit more bold
  23. There is a k9 model and vehicles that would fit the use of k9 already in the server. This was from the ARU k9 a while back.
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