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Everything posted by ArmyGuy

  1. DENIED I personally did like this, but it cause a lot of issues
  2. DENIED There would need to be lots of EMS on to keep up with this. People are constantly getting shot/killed/injured in game
  3. It's just like Matthew said, this is to try to hold back on criminals getting/starting a shootout every couple of minutes and have no punishment put towards them
  4. If there's harrassment towards other the department, just report it then
  5. This caused crashes and was one of the more bigger reasons why the server lagged a lot more
  6. DENIED Find a new phone system addon, this one causes too much lag on the server
  7. DENIED Josh and Rhenic is telling me he never gave you permission to apply again Reapply in 1 Week
  8. Saying that a department is trash, is basically saying that the leader or who ever runs the department is trash The leader controls the department and makes all decisions
  9. It's practically Player Diss, you calling a department trash is basically calling the leader trash Don't tag me next time
  10. ArmyGuy


    DENIED Staff's Discretion No evidence provided of being it being false
  11. ArmyGuy

    Ban Appeal

    DENIED Not going to happen
  12. DENIED First off, we don't want TMODS applying for Moderator Second off, poor community feed back Improve your activity as a staff member and attend a staff meeting
  13. DENIED Improve activity on the Forums/In Game/On TeamSpeak Improve reputation with community Reapply in 1 Week if you would like
  14. ACCEPTED Come speak to myself or Snar in the TeamSpeak
  15. DENIED Put more effort in, as Danny said, your introduction barely even got you 150 words Reapply in 1 week if you'd like
  16. DENIED Improve your activity on staff / Improve your reputation with the other half that -supported Good application though Due to the overpopulation of Admins, we are getting much more picky with who we choose, we look into every small detail about a person now
  17. ArmyGuy


    Denied Fire add-on causes crahses and unnecessary lag
  18. ArmyGuy


    Denied This post was already denied in the past, not going to happen, gas SOP is fine the way it is right now We're looking into a 'faulty gas mask' of some sorry, to help criminals see and to show down the hit points of gas
  19. ArmyGuy


    Let's nerf gas and break the armor on government how 'bout that
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