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Everything posted by ArmyGuy

  1. CLOSED A rule is now added onto the MOTD "You must role play out, traffic stops" (Ex- You may not just start shooting randomly just because you want to, actually RP it out)
  2. What was he making alt accounts for? Did he delete his ban appeal?
  3. Denied This isn't needed those would most likely just cause more problems then it were to solve any. If someone respawns, most likely the government officer would just call staff
  4. DENIED Was already handled in game
  5. @Jacob. Come speak to me in the TeamSpeak
  6. Accepted All three players will be issued with a 1 Year Ban
  7. ACCEPTED Come speak to myself or Snar in TeamSpeak within 24 Hours
  8. DENIED Poor community feed back Reapply in 2 weeks
  9. DENIED Poor community feedback / Your poll is incorrect Reapply in 1 week
  10. Accepted Come speak to myself or Snar within 24 Hours
  11. DENIED No effort / Poor community feedback Reapply in 3 weeks
  12. ArmyGuy

    Car prices

    This is because of what the economy is It's easy to make money
  13. CLOSED This is already allowed, that's why it's called being revived If you get revived there's no NLR
  14. Accepted  Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, than to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this appeal post in it. 
  15. DENIED Not going to happen for many reasons
  16. Put your steam id and evidence of the warn in
  17. Denied We've already had this add-on in the past, we may look into a different system though for the idea, suggest a different add-on if you wish to
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