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Everything posted by ArmyGuy

  1. ArmyGuy


    I think you should out this suggestions under the suggestion aecion and follow the format
  2. I already banned him, he did other things wrong as well, this was hanndled already
  3. Oh yeah Finch I like this one alright, make sure you shoot any escapies next time or any one trying to dig tunnel in or out
  4. +Support Nandy has changed a lot, he's roleplaying things out and ect. should be given another chance
  5. ArmyGuy


    SRT does have a second meeting time Friday at 8:30 PM Sunday at 4:30 PM I think the same with SWAT but just different times
  6. +Support Active Mature Knows where the roleplay is Respectful Effort on app Good luck
  7. +/-Support I've seen you in game at times TMODs can monge for 10,000 seconds You have a lot of warnings, but that's alright I had a lot when I applied You could've put more effort in the app at least Good luck though
  8. -Support No effort whatsoever, Really hard to read most of the questions Get to know the community better
  9. +Support Active in game Active on forums You know where the roleplay is at Mature Nice guy
  10. +Support Active Nice guy Mature Active on forums Knows how to roleplay Good luck
  11. +Mega support Awesome roleplayer Mature Great person in general Active in game Respectful towards other GOOD LUCK
  12. +/-Support When you were staff you barely every got on duty either asked or needed Active Good roleplayer Mature Experienced
  13. -Support No effort at all Get more active on the forums
  14. -Support You should get to know the community better Post more, get in more depth in the forums Don't really see you on +Good effort though, good luck
  15. +/- Support If you used different names, how we supposed to know if your active or not Good effort Active on forums Mature in game
  16. -Support No effort You should wait a little bit more, get.to know the community more Don't really see you on that much
  17. -Support Barely see you on at all Could've used a little more effort in the last question
  18. +Support Lots of effort in application Good at RP Nice guy I general Knows how to keep calm No warnings
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