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Everything posted by ArmyGuy

  1. No it's easier for the staff member to ban him there lol, I will look into this when I get home
  2. Pending @Cletus Jackson I need to speak to you in TeamSpeak
  3. Why couldn't Gamik ban him?
  4. This was obviously Fail RP because they literally said for the trooper to move and instead he just stood there trying to release him while they had guns out. This was already handled in game I'll explain to you @Joe Mamaif you wish to know the reason why I denied this @snookiebearInstead of me warning him, I at least would like if you can explain what the trooper (Richmond) can do better in the future, please and thank you Denied
  5. Was this already dealt with in game? @ColeSoft Grey
  6. @Officer PulloutskiPulloutski We need your side
  7. Well obviously you have been banned for a valid reason I'm sorry, you should've appealed this after you were banned then if you feel this was false,as well for Snar to be able to remember what he banned you for DENIED
  8. Denied Played will receive a warning and a monge for two hours instead
  9. You still shouldn't be running off while yourself are in cuffs, gun or no gun out, this is common sense I would've expected of you knowing this Bryce Pending
  10. Do you have his steam I'd or profile? It's be much easier to find his profile then
  11. ArmyGuy

    Admin Gun Auction

    Do not sell this gun, this is how the economy were to break, this is the type of reason why a economy reset has happened in the past If you sell the gun, you will receive some type of punishment
  12. +Support If this doesn't cause lag
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