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Everything posted by ArmyGuy

  2. They changed it a long ago
  3. SA's can't even spawn gas
  4. I'll say a +/- support if we were to get a tour armour back lol
  5. That's stupid, IRL chemical gasses can leak through walls and other gasses -Support As well it'd be impossible to raid bases then, due to our armour nerf
  6. It's the person's opinion, if he's never seen you in game than that's that, it just means they don't know you and your personality
  7. Man me and JMS took over the forums and got yelled at
  8. -Support This is for removing false warns, not you saying sorry and getting them removed
  9. Super Admin+ can, just go to a super Admin on the server, if there is none on then just wait
  10. ArmyGuy


    Please follow this format in your ban appeal thank you You must fill out this form in order to be considered for a unban. Steam Name: Ingame Name: SteamID: Ban Length: Admin that Banned you: Reason for Ban: Dispute:
  11. ArmyGuy

    Ladder Dupe

    How? A car is an entiny
  12. ArmyGuy

    Staff Report

    -Support Should just be a verbal because of the ratio being fixed a minute or so after he said to fix the ratio, I recommend though paying attention next time, even if so the staff ratio isn't even a thing anymore, but should are highly recommend to have more than one staff member on if calls are bring flooded in
  13. +/-Support If you improve your activity I'd change it to a plus support, but other than that you're doing great as a captain good luck
  14. ArmyGuy

    Pull false warn

    +Support I said it was a misunderstanding, I though Roz was saying they had guns out while arresting Roz obviously not, so I said I miscommunicated with the admin sit, I think the warn should be removed
  15. What ever happened to that oil mining idea?
  16. NVM apparently I can't go to the reserves
  17. Definitely a plus support to that second suggestion +++++
  18. +Support I was honestly laguhing at all of these videos
  19. No steam ID and no Poll -Support
  20. ArmyGuy


    I like Photon but it's just gonna kill the server with lag
  21. +Support I just recommend not staff dissing any more though Btw Valk was allowed to take his own sits
  22. -Support The last time there was something like this, a minge would run in, press it and run back out
  23. Follow the format please, and jus tbring it for a false warn then
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