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Everything posted by ArmyGuy

  1. +Support People make mistakes, actually get your steam ID though not the Lin to your profile
  2. Well it's been 1 year and three months around now, pretty strange, I'd say anyways, to see me leaving, I've been with State Trooper, 95% with Gaming Light, ever since State Trooper came out and I loved it ever since. The MAIN reason I'm leaving State Trooper, is because I see more opportunities, outside of the department and I wanna take the opportunities and risks. I can see State Trooper, getting farther without me. I'm not really finding it, as fun as I used too I guess I'd say. Honorable mentions I'd like to say- Alec/Hotshot - I'd like to thank them especially, for letting me back in as a State Trooper after I left, for a time being due to IRL issues and giving me a chance to work hard as a state trooper. Blaziken - The one and only Kiwi, he's the one who accepted me into State Trooper and gave me the opportunity of, working my way up. Nolan - For giving me a chance as Trooper Command and always patrolling and making my day while on state trooper. Brian - Was a great State Trooper, barely see him on any more, he was taking State Trooper far. Best role player honestly, great command member as well, always knew how to handle situations, in a orderly fashion and calmly.
  3. Sad to see that people are taking it to an aggression just because you got Super Admin, just don't listen to those types of people and ignore them
  4. He's apologizing for using his powers off duty, he's not reporting himself guys
  5. Oh yeah, we got a couple of umbrella Corp to join us lol
  6. I mean, no one is, they just see me as a good supervisor of state, let the have freedom of speech
  7. +Support if it was possible
  8. Basically sums up everything
  9. +/- Support You are a good RP'r You were always respectful to your higher ups when you were in trooper So you ever even get on Police RP anymore though bro?
  10. I'm loving the new forums, a lot more things you can do now, like the clubs
  11. ArmyGuy


    Oh nice, I barely even see any of the other rifles used anyway
  12. Yeah I'm pretty sure building signs mean nothing
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