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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2018 in all areas

  1. So as you may know, I put in my 48h notice for Staff, and I would just like to post this as a thank you. I have been through a lot as a staff member, and I have loved every second of it The interaction with the community, the friends I made on the Staff Team, it was all amazing. So, Thank you for making my experience as a Staff Member amazing, GamingLight!!!
    3 points
  2. +Support Active in Teamspeak Application is good Respectful & Friendly Would be a great support member Good Luck!
    1 point
  3. +Support Active on the forums 753+ Posts Respectful & Good Guy Application is well made Good Luck!
    1 point
  4. alot of pepole think its funny But they funnier than @Timmemes
    1 point
  5. ReAd AnD UnDeRsToOd lol yeah anyways Ive seen alot of people breaking this rule so make sure you follow this rule thanks felix
    1 point
  6. So there is people saying i have a temper? Can someone please explain as i really dont. They are reporting me without evidence and im getting into bother for something i haven't done and i cant do anything about it as they are reporting it to my higher. Someone please explain.
    1 point
  7. i dont have any trouble with you cheeto your really nice tbh
    1 point
  8. hello guys, So if none of you know me I am CHEETO. I am a Senior Moderator, I am writing this to get to know how I can help the community more. I would love to help people more as I've been going through some things and I really want to help others through things and with stuff in general! It doesn't take anything to be nice to people so I would love to help you guys! Comment, PM me, poke me. whatever you need to do if you need help, I won't bite if you ask for help! I'm only a click away if you ever need someone to talk to or need help in the game. Some may say I'm doing this to get attention etc, I am really not. I just want to help others! I am always here for people to talk to! I know it can get frustrating sometimes so I'm here to talk. Thanks for reading and don't feel bad or guilty to ask for help! - CHEETO/JAMES
    1 point
  9. Omg, i actually hate you lol. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES. Jk Lol how could anyone hate ozzies
    1 point
  10. Hey Cheeto, if your ever free I could use some help learning how to work with props and base building
    1 point
  11. OmG cLiP It Herro cheeto boi
    1 point
  12. I could use some help and or advice just hit me up in game or in discord or forum pms whatever thanks!
    1 point
  13. I've been extremely grateful to have had such a bright, good-hearted, and ecstatic person on my staff team, and alongside me on the management team. Thank you fame!
    1 point
  14. +/-support -don't see you on ts so much -Mature -Nice person -good app
    1 point
  15. Active on forums. active in game. +support easily.
    1 point
  16. - support car chase happened a lot in traffic stops and for shootouts your can alway have a unit there for back up
    1 point
  17. +Support Active. Mature. Friendly. Overall good guy. GOOD LUCK!
    1 point
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