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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2018 in all areas

  1. IT IS OCTOBER! What Is Coming This Month? 1. Halloween Updates! - Will Include Map Edits And Much More! 2. More Updates - War Veterans Are Coming Soon! - More War Heroes Will Be Coming To Join You On The Battlefield Soon! - SO MUCH MORE! 3. Spooky Events With Rare Rewards. - October Exclusive Events Will Be Happening This Month. - Participate for your chance at exclusive teamspeak icons! - Event Dates Will Be Given Soon! And As Always, HAPPY OCTOBER! Respecfully, John | Military Manager | Human Resources Representative
    2 points
  2. What is your in-game name?: CHEETO/james/jamez/MSGT JAMES 1B84/SS PO JAMES// FBI // BSI What is your steam name?: Jamesyboy2014 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:131771736 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I am a admin on a couple of DarkRP servers. these have Helped me gain expericance. What date did you start playing on the community? December 29, 2017 What date did you make your forums account? About a month after i joined, (i didnt know about the forms) Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 4, Currently going to fight 2 of them as the admin was demoted Have you donated? YES! (best thing ive spent money on XDD) What rank are you applying for? Trial moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at...: yes i have Timezone: GBT Permission (Admin+ need this): Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I deserve this rank because I make a good team leader, this is shown in my multiple Admin status in other servers and IRL where I am a RAF cadet and must show good team leader skills and respect at all times. I never diss people, even tho i have a warn from it (it was a joke between me and a friend, the admin did the wright thing). I love to help people, there has been many instances where i have helped the admins and other people in the PD or Just in the street. A good example of this is when I always give the admins a recording if there is someone Player dissing others, RDM, ARDM. There has been many instnces of this happening. I am well known, I am known in the server and many people like to talk to me on the server. this will help them feel relaxed when in a Admin Sit or when just talking to me. This helps alot so people dont freak out and feel comforable when they talk to me. There is alot of people who come to me and Ask for help or to clarify things for them. thanks, James How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Well at first i would try reason with them and if they pursist i would gag them. I would then ask if the person who called it had any evidence of them doing it (if yes i would ask to see it). After i see it i would explain to the person doing it that i will ungag them to hear their side of the story. If they pursist i would go off of the evidence, if they talk i would listen. At the end i would warn them For "Mass RDM," and if they dissed anyone "staff/player diss".
    1 point
  3. He didn't break any rules. -SUPPORT Literally the only thing that was out was handcuffs and that was it, and Bryce tried to run away you didn't tell him to stop nor did you have a gun or taser pointed at his direction. The only person that said stop was a SGT. The person also did not advert "over" in the jailbreak All you did was call an admin and say "admin to me" you never said to Bryce "Dude stop or STOP!" all you had were your handcuffs out.
    1 point
  4. There should be a limits of gas
    1 point
  5. +Support Reasons why due to the overwhelming +Supports 100% would fit into RP. The fact that it is a British department really does not make a difference, It could easily be called ESU or ARU. Its really up to SMT to decide what role it would have in RP or an entirely made up branch could be made with the exact way to fit into RP as effectively as possible. It doesnt matter if it was Valkyrie running it, he made a branch that was an absolute top notch prestige branch. No other branch on this server demonstrated that LEVEL of quality and prestige. ARU could essentially replace the dead branches on the server CERT & NSA. Ultimately there is no interaction between SWAT & SRT - No communication and no joint SOP's which really does throw off RP. The TAC units that exists on the server at this point in time do not display the true quality of an effective branch. There is no RP with people running into the bank with no formations and ultimately pure mingery. Quite frankly only SWAT & ARU are the only branches that should exist with joint SOP for specific things that must be taken care of by each department. There is a HUGE lack of RP, it is static and boring. Things need to be changed to revive the aspects of fun but serious RP.
    1 point
  6. I would gladly help bring this back to life. Bob Bob
    1 point
  7. Would love to see this implemented. We could remove one of the departments that is slowly dying(Just a suggestion)
    1 point
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