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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Just want some input from the community on what might be some good future servers for Gaminglight. These would be RP gamemodes that would have big popularity in the community.
    4 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Name: Danny Muller Rank: SAIC LOA Time: 2 Weeks Reason (Private if needed) I just transferred to StarwarsRP and also school is starting soon
    1 point
  4. A server where we can take a break from our main server we play like mil or PRP. So like Murder, TTT, prop hunt, etc.
    1 point
  5. As most of you are aware, one of our superadmins, and most recently senior moderator for accuracy, nimo, resigned from his position as the latter rank due to an abundance of reasons, some even expressed in his resignation post. Unfortunately, some people would rather use this as a chance to bully and harass him, with some of them even being staff... Let me make this very... VERY clear to everyone. Bullying and harssment are taken very seriously over here at GL. This is a safe spot for alot of players t come and make friends and help a new community grow. As soon as you remove the friendly nature of our community, it no longer acts as that safe place. I am utterly disgusted by the lack of maturity that has been displayed by our community in regards to this resignation Any member/staff member from here on out who bullies, harasses, demeans, or puts down Nimo in regards to his resignation will be permanantly removed from this community. This goes for bullying and harassment in general Best Regards, Snar & the entire Gaminglight SMT division.
    1 point
  6. +Support Lots of effort in application Mature Low Warns Very Kind Very Active Very deserving of the role good luck hope you make it
    1 point
  7. In-Game Name: John SteamID: N/A Rank: Trooper (Probably removed by some lame dude by now) How is your activity on the server? Hella inactive Any questions/issues/concerns? Negative, negative, negative.
    1 point
  8. Its disgraceful that staff and members alike would do this sort of thing
    1 point
  9. Senior - "Yeah I promoted him what's wrong with the name Ben Doverson?" Jeffe - "Bend Over..." Senior - "Oh fuck I am stupid sorry" "It's not disrespect if you do it to everyone" - Scheffer
    1 point
  10. +support for 1, 4, 5 the rest are ugly ?
    0 points
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