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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2018 in all areas

  1. Your In-game: Friendly Steve Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23939222 The player's name in-game: Jeffrey Patterson (Didn't have proper FBI name) The player's steam name (If you know it): N/A What did the player do: Started to raid base on the claim of having reports of money printers. We informed him that this was not how RP was carried out and that there needs to be physical proof (Video/Picture). Continued to say that he received calls about this base that there were printers and they were going to search. During the video towards the end Jeffrey climbs up on to a ramp and begins firing upon Bit miners. We continuously tell him to stop which he does not listen so I kill him for the sake of my Family keeping their money that was inside of the miner. We told him multiple times we are calling staff to get this verified as he could not provide ANY solid evidence to his claims of printers being in the base (besides them actually seeing them once they broke in). Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: Either needs to be totally removed from FBI for lack of professionalism and breaking RP rules or needs to be completely retrained and observed during his time on as FBI. Definitely creates a very shitty RP experience and this is the worst I have seen.
    1 point
  2. Im ashamed to hear it looks kinda good. It looks like if I could have a period out of my d- Yeah were going to stop there.
    1 point
  3. I know there's a first time for everything i just try really hard to follow the rules so i don't have any warns at all which is why i am trying to get it appealed. If i wasn't told that by the other staff member i wouldn't have even bothered trying to appeal it. thank you though both of you for your feedback i appreciate it!
    1 point
  4. -Support This is in RP. The "gae" thing is a little bit on the edge. He is not on duty admin, Yes he is to be held at higher standards but let him have some fun as well. I can't drive a block down the road without hearing people cursing at me or others you are just getting in his case because he is an admin?
    1 point
  5. - support - Ok so i haven't really had any problems with Ruinz - That was defiantly in Role Play -Honestly he said something he shouldn't have said and i understand were he is coming from when he is getting ARDMed. -If any punishment i say a staff strike thats about it. -Other staff has done worse things before -Ruinz is a great guy - And this is coming from a lord one of the main reason why PoliceRp has minges
    1 point
  6. Y'all are wack for posting this. -Support
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. +Support Active in game Active on forums Good effort in app Good warns
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. +Support Active Friendly Mature
    1 point
  12. +Support Active on the forums Mature and is always professional at any times Great amount of effort put into application Seems to know what he is doing as a Forum Diplomat Deserves a chance on being part of the Forum Diplomat team! Good luck!
    1 point
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