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Pixel's A1 CMDR Application


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As a preface, this is a long application. As such, I have gone through and underlined what I believe to be the most important aspects. I would appreciate if people took the time to read it in full, but i do understand that time is of importance as well. So either way you do it, i thank you for reading my application

1.Name: Pixel

2. Current and former RP ranks: 

Current : Nu7 CPT, Researcher

Former : Nu7 COL(back when it was HCMD), Nu7 MAJ(x2), E11 2LT, RRH OH-1(Back when there was divisional leads and it was O5 staff)

Edit: Adding SF and SB Ranks

Current : DHCOR and HTF

Former : HTF head, D4, HFTO

3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:36467260 

4. DiscordID: PixelatedPancake#2921

5. What position are you applying for?(CMDR/LTCOM): CMDR


6. Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the Commander position?: I am acquainted that I hold understanding within the server and its general population; as well as a firm grasp on realistically what is to be expected of and done by a commander. With previous experience in High command, I am acutely aware that my duties as a commander would be to manage the branch, making it a fun, immersive, and interactive experience rather than just being an in-game leader which is also vital, but more typical of low command duties. As HCMD I am willing to make Alpha-1 a long-standing and reliable branch, deeply rooted in intriguing and gold standard-setting roleplay. Alpha-1 itself relies on the high-priority targets which it guards and escorts, therefore, it makes perfect sense that Alpha-1 needs to be a branch deep-rooted in roleplay. It is to my understanding that the new Alpha-1 would be run similarly to the old Alpha-1 branch, which in and of itself I am familiar with; Familiar with what made that branch renowned and what eventually caused its downfall. Alpha-1 was distinguished due to its unique nature and prowess in creating captivating and powerful scenarios within the site for other players to interact with. Where it fell off, however, was when the members got lazy, the command became flippant, and the need for a branch like Alpha-1 became less and less necessary. The need for a unit that acted as essentially a private guard and no longer provided roleplay was unintuitive and wasted space on the server. However, now that the branch is returning and, in turn, so is the essence of roleplay; the branch needs HCMD that wholly understands both how to roleplay and what makes good roleplay. I pride myself on my extensive creativity and knowledge of the SCP world, therefore I believe that I would make one of the best candidates for a position that requires strong executive decisions and creative roleplay enrichment.


7. What specific skills and qualities do you possess that make you competent enough to run the branch?: Overall, I am a kind, competent, and hardworking person with a personality that is strict when it needs; yet still gentle and friendly when it comes to interbranch relations and personal OOC relations. With this, I believe my experience as HCMD, accompanied by my personality, would allow me to make for a perfect commander for the RP-heavy, renowned Alpha-1 branch. Logistics wise I could maintain the branch. In a roleplay sense, I can impeccably provide the niche A1 fills. OOC relation-wise, my kind personality adds together to make a well-rounded and relatively good choice for the position. However, not only this, but I can admit when I am wrong; which I believe is one of the most important traits any command, especially HCMD, can have. Being able to acknowledge that you are indeed wrong, and working to improve upon said flaws is one of the most sought traits that I hold. As such, due to my previous experience, ambition for RP, and ability to change and grow, I believe I am the best for this position, with the qualifications to back it up.


8. How do you plan on running the branch?: Alpha-1 is a heavily redacted and extremely well-trained branch. I believe its focus should be on creating battle-hardened foundation servants - for lack of a better word. Soldiers who follow the whim of the foundation and its orders flawlessly. As such, this would require a serious presence in the game, where PTs would be held often; being much more realistic than the typical PT held for MTF branches when it comes to the lore of the SCP foundation. However, one thing that would have to be touched first, would be the mandatory creation of a character for every Alpha-1 member; of which they stick to their flaws, traits, and ideals. I believe the downfall of the original A1 occurred due to the extreme lack of RP; likely resulting in a lack of purpose as a result of a lack of character. As it stands currently, that same issue is occurring, where players are playing themselves, and themselves are a constantly changing and unrealistic personality to exist within the foundation. As such, I believe wholeheartedly in enforcing Alpha-1 members to both create and uphold a character that grows with them as they advance through the branch. Beginning as a hopeful recruit to a stoic SGT or a happy-go-lucky psychopath who does what he’s told and couldn’t be happier to cut someone's tongue out. After this portion has been set in stone, I would then run the branch as a secretive and serious organization, acting akin to the internal affairs agents, possibly even working directly with them. As in lore, Alpha-1's main duty is to protect the O5 council and site administration. As such it would also be one of the spearheads in ensuring that traitors to the foundation are not only dealt with but made an example out of. Alpha-1 would follow a vow of silence until they reach the rank of SGT, wherein the hierarchy of power and leadership would be more instilled. I.E. rank promotions will hold more value, as SGTs and up will  actively be leading and handling squads of Alpha-1 enlisted. The command would act as direct appointers of these NCOs to lead, or as supervisors to take over in the absences of NCO personnel. The command would also be appointing Alpha-1 members to specific duties and tasks, such as guard duty, internal investigations, or patrols. And finally, the high command would be running the logistical aspect of the branch, maintaining the roster, doing document work, and being the main editors of members’ character sheets, adding to their achievements, flaws, ideals, etc. The high command would also be directly in relation with Site Administration and O5 council members, working with them to conduct guard missions and control espionage missions on CI; to defend against your enemy, you must first know them.


9. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: To maintain relations with other branches, it would be heavily publicized that the actions of A1 and their subsequent characters in-game, would purely be based on roleplay. The actions of A1 personnel would seem cruel but in character, and as such, members of the Alpha-1 task force would be strictly informed to keep their actions in character, and their emotions OOC completely separate. Promoting a realistic interaction within the game, while also maintaining fun and lighthearted connections and friendships outside the game and RP scenarios.


Edited by Mangoo

Current : 
Former : Nu7 COL, HSU Founder (I wrote the SOP so I'm very important clearly), Nu7 MAJ x 2, E11 2LT, SCP Senior Mod, TTT SA, JvS Admin, TS Support 3,  HSU Commissar (💀), RRH Guardian 01


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Flawless app in my opinion. Amazing at their job and as a person as well. 

                                                                                                                                      spacer.pngI keep a stiff upper lip and I shoot, shoot, shoot from the hip I got a stiff upper lip, come on baby.                                   

Retired Nu7 Captain/Maintenance OM

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33 minutes ago, Vuitheirt said:


Flawless app in my opinion. Amazing at their job and as a person as well. 


MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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I read this application a while ago and I just had to come back to express my opinion.

Honestly, this is probably the biggest "+Support" I have ever given. This guy seems like an incredible dude to work with, while I have never had the luxury of really interacting with this person, combining both previous HCMD experience with the integration of roleplay and the creation of characters is an idea I absolutely fucking love. I have tried to create some characters and world-building via changing my name in various branches (Security Major "Everett Wagner", Research Manager "Simon Wolffe", etc). I feel like this is exactly what A-1 would be in a real Foundation and I would love to see this come to life.

This application is amazing, and clearly a lot of thought was put into the wording of this application. I genuinely think this may be one of the best picks for LTCOM.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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+ support based on that wonderfully crafted application alone not to mention he is a pretty decent CMD member as well I think that given a chance he could do all the things that he states in his app. And well it is true there is another person I want to have this position I think pixel would also be a wonderful choice

-MTF Nu-7 LTCOL Purp/HTF A4 Master Iris 

Edited by purple2005

Current: Director Of Containment

Previous: HSU Head/Nu-7 CMDR

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On 3/6/2023 at 5:33 PM, Vuitheirt said:


Flawless app in my opinion. Amazing at their job and as a person as well. 


Former MTF Nu7 VCMDR Admin

Former GenSec CPT / Deputy Head Warden

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On 3/7/2023 at 9:40 PM, Quacksalber said:


Great application with years of experience to back it up, I feel like he will make an amazing commander and should absolutely be considered for the position. 


Current: Nu7 2LT | Event Team Former: Nu7 2LT | RRH Guardian Tango 18 | SCPRP Senior Moderator

Schoodst Gaming | The Goofiest | "You get drunk you stop checking corners" - IPAIDFORPIXELS, from that one Dust 2 Casual Game


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I've seen this man since 2020, he was a great teacher when I first got into the server and helped me in Nu7 by showing me how to command and run situation. Is genuine almost all the time and sincere with his wording. still jokes around when warranted but will definitely be a good pick for the branch 

Great Command
Knows how to lead
General knowledge
Can make docs and rosters look REALLY good.

Does hard work for Nu7 even when its not his sub branch he will still help out

Edited by Proximo

Former E11 Captain, D5 Sergeant, V1 [EOI], CI LT,  and Nu7 LT
Current E11 LCPL|Riot Shield Abuser|Cloak hater

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Pixel is Pixel and he should get this position becaue he's super duper poggers and knows how to do command things . HOWEVER DOES THOU THINK YOU CAN GET CMDR?!  lies and deceit my friend. 


Edited by Yamato

Nu7 Sergeant Major 
Former: RRH Guardian KILO 20 | HTF MSG Inferno 2142 (MK2) Nu-7: CPT, DHBHM, DHCBRN. | D5: MSGT x3 | Sec MSGT. | Moderator |
1 Year DHBHM 

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On 3/7/2023 at 1:33 AM, Vuitheirt said:


Flawless app in my opinion. Amazing at their job and as a person as well. 


 FORMER:  Foundation Doctor , RFA SIC/OA1 , SEC SFC, WD-V Eqvites Antonius MONK CI DHLS , CI SM , RRH Analyst , D5 MSGT , Maintenance ME

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Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Alpha-1 Operational Command Team and those above have decided to deny this application.

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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