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Ted's Fleet Admiral Application.


Does Ted deserve the position?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Ted deserve the position?

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your IGN? (In Game Name):

Commander Iden Versio IF1


Why do you want to become the position of Fleet Admiral?:

In Being with the Imperial RP community for a long time I've seen many changes. I've had many different leaders and command members above me. Many of them were great. I would love to have the chance and the overall privilege to work alongside our Naval High Command. From all of the variant jobs I've had within our community I feel that I can still grow to be greater than I already am. I can grow into something worth more than just regimental command. Using my skills and my knowledge of being a leader, a teacher, a mentor, and a guide for most. It has still been a great honor for the community to help move me up to the spot I am today so I can show my overall skill on being a regimental commander. Everything will always have a challenge and will be trivial at first, but with the acquisition needed for the job, I feel in my heart I can perform my duties for our Naval Regiments and High Command at the highest of priority and at the most of my potential. There have been many times where I've gotten cold feet, where I've had a level of fear for a position with great responsibility. But this time, I'm ready. I am ready for a great change, a chance to move forward into an unknown territory with the tools and knowledge I have to harness and adapt to it. I have always enjoyed a challenge. This is one I've been ready for a long time. 

What is the biggest thing you would bring to Navy High Command?:

I would bring my knowledge and understanding of running a battalion to the table. Experience is one thing that is most needed in situations such as this and I know whole heartedly that I can perform and give my ideas to Naval High Command with full potential. I want to share and perform my duties in a way so all Naval battalions have a fair and equal time playing within our community without misguidance and discomfort. Instead of ruling with an iron fist, to put the people of our community first and foremost. With them I wouldn't be in my spot, I have learned many from my colleagues and subordinates. I would more than enjoy and be thrilled to share and pass that knowledge up through our ranks so we can establish a mostly flawless leadership with caring, giving, and equally fair playing leaders within the Naval High Command team. I will give my kindness, my passion, and my sheer drive and passion to steer the Imperial RP community towards greatness. To help maintain productivity, motivation, and to give our regimental fleet a drive and passion to grow within their ranks as well. To make sure they always have hope, to never feel stuck or unwanted. To make sure our battalions can get what they need to keep productivity at its max potential and to always expect new and improved ideas from our regimental commanders throughout our Naval fleet. I will make sure our regimental commanders our staying motivated and are being fair and equally giving to their battalions. To stay on track with making sure battalion suggestions, document changes, Transfers, and senior officers promotions are carried out swiftly and intelligently.

What is the purpose of a Fleet Admiral?:

The purpose of a Fleet Admiral is to be seen as someone everyone can trust and can go to for anything they may need help and guidance with. Any new idea regimental command wants to bring to the table, any discrepancies or basics needs questions they can ask without hesitation or fear. A fleet Admiral guides a team or individual to achieve a certain goal through direction and motivation. To encourage others to take the actions they need to succeed. To be a great leader, it is necessary to learn and cultivate the skills it takes to be effective. Being in that position, the individual needs to have the skills and the drive to carry their Naval team to greatness and sustainability. 

Why should we trust you to be Navy High Command?:

I have been with the Imperial RP community since January 26th, 2021. I have been in multiple positions within command that have great responsibilities and duties with a strong level of trust. I have performed them at the best of my abilities. I have been trusted in running a battalion of many individuals. I have been trusted in making sure I am always being fair, being unbiased, understanding and cooperative to everyone I have worked alongside. Trust is a belief in a probability that a person will behave in certain ways. A mental attitude toward a proposition that someone is dependable. I have been trusted by many, from my Agents in my own battalion and from all the way up to Senior High Command. That trust will always stay constant and unwaivered. 

How often can you be active in-game?:

I can be active between 12 to 15 hours a week.

Do you have any Warnings? (What for?):

I have had no warnings since I've joined the community.

  • Heart-Eyes 2

Former Shock Vice Commander/Current Commander Iden Versio IF1



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Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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11 minutes ago, Kio said:

Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server



| Super Admin | Senior Forums Diplomat Support Advisor |
| Chaos Insurgency Staff Sergeant | Epsilon-11 Warrant Officer | 
CC Owned: | 47th Clan | Talon | Darth Jar Jar | Banshee Squadron | Door Technicians | CI Banshee Unit

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1 hour ago, Kio said:

Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server


Good Luck!!!

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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3 hours ago, Kio said:

Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server



Former IF Commanding Officer| Former Nova Commanding Officer| 
|Former Naval Low Command Member|

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4 hours ago, Kio said:

Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server



                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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4 hours ago, Kio said:

Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server



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4 hours ago, Kio said:

Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server



Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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4 hours ago, Kio said:

Huge +Support!!

-Knows what he's doing

-Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

-Helps his Troopers

-Shows dedication 

-Overall really good man for this Position 

-Inactive asf within the server



5M: EMS Captain, Sentinel
EX: Rescue Squadron Vice Marshal, Deputy Director, Director of research, medical COL, Shock, ST, Inferno. Starfighters, Naval, LOST MC X2, Mafia, Triad

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

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Overwhelming +support
As someone who who works both with and under his command, Ted is the best candidate for this job!
He is active while having a full time job, he makes sure everyone is treated equal and feels important. 
As his Vice Commander, I never disagree with his orders as he is a very just and fair person!

Ted has also been with Naval for a while now, I feel that he is very well suited for this rank. I feel that he is more than ready for Fleet Admiral!

I've been with GL for a little under 2 years, I can say with great confidence that Ted is one of the most trustworthy people I've met in the community! 

Best of luck Ted!!


Current: IC SFC Crimson Squad Blu, Pyke Muscle I JSR
Former: Last Vice Commander Hask, Havoc Vice Commander, IQ Overseer, Tenn Graneet, EO, AO, GO, 501st CPT, 31st SGT

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Take this how you will,

You barely talk in your Channels, And I dont see you communicating with your Men / Women either, You haven't pushed a Flag up in 2 Months aswell. --> Which you should know as a Commander it is very important to be pushing flag ups and motivating people to get on the server.

You were asked to give tags to someone and you said "I cant because I dont have the Regimental Commander tag, and I dont wanna talk to High Command or go up CoC because I might get yelled at and Striked" (This was during your Iden term)

Your afraid to make moves, even though as a Commander you should be regularly asking High Command questions and seeking guidance when needed.

As High Command you need to be able to talk to people regularly and deal with there problems and manage multiple battalions efficiently and to the point to where they can function with just a Officer Core, this unfortunately is something I cant see happening with you YET.


You didn't even hit Quota in April

I dont know why you dont have any Strikes.. since to appeal "The failure to meet quota" you would need to hit quota this month.


You actually had a Max of 2 Strikes that have since been APPEALEDFurthermore I dont believe that someone who almost got removed as a Commander / Vice Commander should be given such position that is very Important to the future and Structure of the Naval Sector.


From looking at your Battlemetrics, You only had 13 Hours in a whole week, Which I guess you can call that Decent but on some days you had 1 hour, others 2 and one day you had 4.


You only had 65 Hours in a whole month, which is 2.7 days on the Server. Which I mean its ok, but if you took a LOA during this and that's if you took a Extensive one you should have came back strong and got Quota, or even attempted to get Quota; And strived to be better than the others. 

Personally I think there are others that are more deserving of this position currently, and I dont see you fit to hold such a High rank at all.

Once again this is my personal Opinion.



You have done 1 SIM and its been a whole week.



You havent Updated roster in a WHOLE MONTH

Edited by MrPickle
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Former: Darth Vader

Former: Super Administrator | Forum Diplomat | Support Advisor

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On 5/9/2022 at 2:20 PM, MrPickle said:


Take this how you will,

You barely talk in your Channels, And I dont see you communicating with your Men / Women either, You haven't pushed a Flag up in 2 Months aswell. --> Which you should know as a Commander it is very important to be pushing flag ups and motivating people to get on the server.

You were asked to give tags to someone and you said "I cant because I dont have the Regimental Commander tag, and I dont wanna talk to High Command or go up CoC because I might get yelled at and Striked" (This was during your Iden term)

Your afraid to make moves, even though as a Commander you should be regularly asking High Command questions and seeking guidance when needed.

As High Command you need to be able to talk to people regularly and deal with there problems and manage multiple battalions efficiently and to the point to where they can function with just a Officer Core, this unfortunately is something I cant see happening with you YET.


You didn't even hit Quota in April

I dont know why you dont have any Strikes.. since to appeal "The failure to meet quota" you would need to hit quota this month.


You actually had a Max of 2 Strikes that have since been APPEALEDFurthermore I dont believe that someone who almost got removed as a Commander / Vice Commander should be given such position that is very Important to the future and Structure of the Naval Sector.


From looking at your Battlemetrics, You only had 13 Hours in a whole week, Which I guess you can call that Decent but on some days you had 1 hour, others 2 and one day you had 4.


You only had 65 Hours in a whole month, which is 2.7 days on the Server. Which I mean its ok, but if you took a LOA during this and that's if you took a Extensive one you should have came back strong and got Quota, or even attempted to get Quota; And strived to be better than the others. 

Personally I think there are others that are more deserving of this position currently, and I dont see you fit to hold such a High rank at all.

Once again this is my personal Opinion.



You have done 1 SIM and its been a whole week.



You havent Updated roster in a WHOLE MONTH

This speaks for itself. I can see where 2 hours a day is good, especially if you are a working guy. As a commander doing a few SIMS is okay, but you haven't even done any other duties for it to be seen where you have been busy to do your own quotas.

You have to keep up to date on your duties, and stay active in the chats of your channel. If you want a position, you have to do the duties associated with that duty above and beyond, even if its just a video game. The whole organization and roleplay experience is pushed by capable command, that organize and make changes to push better experience on gaminglight. If you cant do it on a regiment scale, you wont be able to do it cross regimental scale.

The fact you had been striked as a command member, is also alarming. Not hitting quota, and not being active are two huge red flags for the future of regimental success.

Im not saying these things to bash you as a person! I just want to make sure to be transparent of what should be looked at for High Command members.

OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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Feel free to contact NHC/SHC for the reason of your denial. Feel free to reapply when the applications open again. 

Emperor Palpatine

| Ex. Shock Commander | Ex. Storm Trooper Captain | Ex. Nova Lieutenant-Colonel


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