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Sharkys 69Th medical corps Vice commander application. (Updated)


Should I be vice commander  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be vice commander

    • Yes (state why)
    • No (state why)

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 

Currently my Title is 69Th COL DPD Sharky 6798

2. What Regiment are you applying for? 

Sixty-Ninth Medical corps Vice Commander

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

 When I joined the server on July the fourth 2021 I had no friends and knew no one on the server. Yet the Medical Corps welcomed me with open arms Into their family. In less than a week I was Sergeant Then and there that I was one of them, And this is why I think I have not been able to join another battalion Because I strive to give other people that feeling of Having a friend or family that you can rely on and count on for friendship and welcoming that is why I want to become a medical vice commander. I feel that more people can Count on me and rely and talk to me about there problems IRL and IG, But god damn I love medical I don't know why but I always come crawling back. I feel that it is mostly due to, Me loving the roleplay of medical being able to improvise with checkups Surgery's and also research. While hosting missions a lot of my peers say that they are original and fun, and I feel being a vice commander makes it to where I can go bigger with activities and reach more people with good times. I also love seeing the battalion as a whole grow bigger, and seeing individuals grow and learn very much like I have in the past few months Since I have rejoined.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?
  I have 657.5 as of writing this I am sure to say 86%
Of that time is me on the medical job,



5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?    

         A commander Is mostly Purpose with Managing, Organizing and tasking officers. Obviously that is true but for the roleplay that are also tasked with updating/changing things with the battalion. Making sure the officers are following the rules and meeting quota. The most important task of them all is to organize and communicate with High command and other battalions, And Vice commanders are to assist them in these tasks. There are also a multitude of smaller things that they also do that is not put into the spotlight.
But yet they are key functions of keeping not only the battalion organized but also the whole server.
Such as doing roaster updates to keep ranks, promotions and LOAs/ROAs. organized. As well as updating documents to keep them up to date with rules, procedures and additions or subtractions to the battalion.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :
        As stated before/will be stated, I am very active spending a lot of time on the server spending hundreds of hours a month. I would also never hurt medical as stated these people are all I have to come home to now. Yes that seems very sad but as sad as it is, it is true. So why would I hurt all I have. With all that time I am very good at managing it. I also am very well aware of how medical is run from a roleplay stand point evidence being I have been Vice lead of BOTH sub battalions at least once and I am also COL so I have hundreds of tryouts and Checkups under my belt. Nor have I received a medical strike Since I have rejoined medical, with always meeting quota and being reliable. as well as since I rejoined medical I have grown greatly with maturity, respect and kindness. Most of that growth being when I was growing as an officer, I learned how to be respectable and how to solve problems better, While keeping calm and without having to ask for help. I do think my brief time in gamemaster also helped with me growing as a person.


7. How often can you be Online? :
        This depends if I am busy that day or if my father is home. But two hours on a bad day and on a good day up to twelve hours a day. My average time appears to be around five hours a day for the last three months. For Discord and TeamSpeak I am always available as long as I am awake. My time zone is EST.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

   I have ZERO warnings across all of the gaming light servers, Nor have I EVER had one on any of the servers.

To everyone reading this thank you for taking the time to read it as well give support or hopefully constructive feedback.


Edited by sharky6798
Was told to
  • Gaminglight Love 1

5M: EMS Captain, Sentinel
EX: Rescue Squadron Vice Marshal, Deputy Director, Director of research, medical COL, Shock, ST, Inferno. Starfighters, Naval, LOST MC X2, Mafia, Triad

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

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No questions asked deserves the position


Shows Leadership skills

You have the Blessings of the Bird Clan


Marshal Commander material

Edited by MrPickle

Former: Darth Vader

Former: Super Administrator | Forum Diplomat | Support Advisor

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3 hours ago, sharky6798 said:

Nor have I received a medical strike

You should amend your application as this is not true; when you were in Medical originally under me you did receive a strike and some demotions from me. 

Furthermore, I do expect an application to be written better, as this has many spelling errors, grammatical errors, and formatting issues in it that could make it difficult to read for some.

Regarding you being ready for Medical Vice Commander: You are very good at pumping out many tryout advertisements, and hosting many simulations, but that does not comprise a Command Member. I have not seen in you the maturity required or the ability from you to work upon your own. For both your NCO and Officer applications you came to me for assistance, which I provided you for the NCO one due to feeling apologetic for my previous punishments of you. However, with the Officer application you repeatedly insisted on me reviewing it for you despite saying 6 times that I would not do so as you need more independence to be able to succeed.

There are also some things regarding being an Officer and potential Command member that you still need to learn, such as how to handle punishing others with the power bestowed upon you. Not too long ago you wanted to strike a member of Medical for this response to a ping you did. The fact that as a VCMDR this would have just been a strike with no supervision is extremely concerning to me.



With all this said, my main concern for you is an ability to manage a battalion, as I have not seen the maturity for that from you yet. I do not find that this is the right time for you, as I believe you need to work on these issues still.

- Support. Needs more time and experience

Edited by Keegan

Removed General Keegan

Former Medical Senior Commander Keegan 4571

Former ImperialRP Senior Admin

Former ImperialRP Senior Gamemaster

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Please put more effort into this application

You will be given 2 days to improve this app or it will be denied.

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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9 hours ago, Keegan said:

You are very good at pumping out many tryout advertisements, and hosting many simulations, but that does not comprise a Command Member. I have not seen in you the maturity required or the ability from you to work upon your own.

what keegan said here is very true^^^

the reasons you gave for why you should be trusted and what is the purpose of the position doesn't strike me as someone who is a leader but more a follower this is a leading position.  Also your application needs to be much better you need to put effort into it.  -support 


EX. Medical Commander CatBob

Most Serious Role Player, Totally


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  • sharky6798 changed the title to Sharkys 69Th medical corps Vice commander application. (Updated)

+ / - Support

- Active

- Does a lot of work for Medical, has been around for a bit

- App could use a bit of work

- Screenshots provided by Keegan are a tad concerning.


You're a great guy Sharky, and I don't think you would be bad in this position whatsoever. I just personally believe you could use some more time before joining low command. Regardless, best of luck my man!



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23 hours ago, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ / - Support

- Active

- Does a lot of work for Medical, has been around for a bit

- App could use a bit of work

- Screenshots provided by Keegan are a tad concerning.


You're a great guy Sharky, and I don't think you would be bad in this position whatsoever. I just personally believe you could use some more time before joining low command. Regardless, best of luck my man!



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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On 5/1/2022 at 3:37 PM, 99 dead raccoons said:

+ / - Support

- Active

- Does a lot of work for Medical, has been around for a bit

- App could use a bit of work

- Screenshots provided by Keegan are a tad concerning.


You're a great guy Sharky, and I don't think you would be bad in this position whatsoever. I just personally believe you could use some more time before joining low command. Regardless, best of luck my man!


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 5/2/2022 at 5:04 AM, TheCatBob said:

what keegan said here is very true^^^

the reasons you gave for why you should be trusted and what is the purpose of the position doesn't strike me as someone who is a leader but more a follower this is a leading position.  Also your application needs to be much better you need to put effort into it.  -support 


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On 5/1/2022 at 5:27 AM, Keegan said:

You should amend your application as this is not true; when you were in Medical originally under me you did receive a strike and some demotions from me. 

Furthermore, I do expect an application to be written better, as this has many spelling errors, grammatical errors, and formatting issues in it that could make it difficult to read for some.

Regarding you being ready for Medical Vice Commander: You are very good at pumping out many tryout advertisements, and hosting many simulations, but that does not comprise a Command Member. I have not seen in you the maturity required or the ability from you to work upon your own. For both your NCO and Officer applications you came to me for assistance, which I provided you for the NCO one due to feeling apologetic for my previous punishments of you. However, with the Officer application you repeatedly insisted on me reviewing it for you despite saying 6 times that I would not do so as you need more independence to be able to succeed.

There are also some things regarding being an Officer and potential Command member that you still need to learn, such as how to handle punishing others with the power bestowed upon you. Not too long ago you wanted to strike a member of Medical for this response to a ping you did. The fact that as a VCMDR this would have just been a strike with no supervision is extremely concerning to me.



With all this said, my main concern for you is an ability to manage a battalion, as I have not seen the maturity for that from you yet. I do not find that this is the right time for you, as I believe you need to work on these issues still.

- Support. Needs more time and experience

Unfortunately I must agree with a lot of this. I have observed this to be a consistent pattern of behavior. I observed this happening with an even lesser incident with a different officer more recently.

Sharky also seems to focus a lot of attention on things that are not issues for anyone except for himself. As a Command member, spending a lot of time that is typically heavily contested with various other tasks arguing over something as small and unnecessary as what is shown in the screenshots below is concerning to me as well.



I am aware that Sharky was previously in Medical last summer before I joined the server. While I am uncertain of the exact happenings during his previous memberships, I witnessed firsthand in multiple in-game disciplinary incidents I had to personally deal with relating to  many issues he had  that would constantly resurface with people he was in Medical with back then. I believe an important part of being in Command that I quickly had to learn myself is being able to work with people you may have issues with, respect them, and know when to not say anything in certain situations.  

With all of that said, his consistent and very impressive activity and quota performance since his return, and this is a big bright spot for him. There is no doubt in my mind that he could handle the position once these issues are rectified. It Should also be noted that Sharky is a very creative person and would be very good at pitching ideas for battalion updates, new RP functions for Medical to partake in, and SOP adjustments. He has been very active in that regard as Officer already, and most recently is working with IF and its command on a new collaborative RP concept between IF and Research that's pending review with Medical Command that I feel has a lot of promise. In these and other areas Sharky certainly shines, so there is a lot of potential in him given time.

Unfortunately, the discipline issues are a deal-breaker for me at this moment in time in my opinion.
- Support


"Medentes sustendo postestas de nostra Imperium!"

Former: Brigadier General Hex, (Last) Medical Senior Commander HexR DT MAJ HX3R Nova CPT Heresiarch NT00

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Feel free to contact AHC for the reason of your denial. Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks.

Emperor Palpatine

| Ex. Shock Commander | Ex. Storm Trooper Captain | Ex. Nova Lieutenant-Colonel


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