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Nu7 WO Application - Voxial

Operator Houston

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Your name on the roster: Voxial


Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): MSGT


You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no:  Yes


Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: No




Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): First off, I am a high ranking NCO in Nu7 already, to be specific I am a Master Sergeant. I have dedicated a lot of hours to the Nu7 branch, across many sub-branch classes such as the Tactical Response Team and Behemoth. With most of the play time being not AFK, as AFK'ing hurts my computer significantly. I do not minge in game at all. I have zero strikes within Nu7, and zero warns on the server. I am a staff member for the server, in my opinion that shows that I can be trusted with responsibilities of a command member in Nu7.


Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): I believe that I deserve the position of Warrant Officer for a few reasons. I am by far one of the most active Nu7 members. I am experienced in most sub-branches in Nu7, excluding Hunter Task Force, Martial Care Unit, and Rifle Guardian. With the ranks of SFTO, TR, BHM, JCA, and FE. I am also very dedicated to the branch, and spend ~80% of my time on the server, on the Nu7 job. And while it probably does not matter much, I have showed up to every Nu7 meeting and PT so far that I have been in the branch for. A couple of the reasons why I would like the rank of Warrant Officer are as follows. I would like to progress through the ranks of Nu7, and perhaps eventually become a high rank within the branch. I love Nu7 with all my heart, and to be an influential person within the branch is one of my largest aspirations in this server. And in order to one day reach that goal, I must first become a Warrant Officer at the bottom of the command chain. I also want to be a person that people can come to for help in the Nu7 branch. Whatever it may be, I like to help people out. That is one of the main reasons why I even became staff. So if anyone ever had a problem, or a question, they could just come to me for guidance. 


Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): First, I am a very well known person within the Nu7 branch. I have never had an issue with someone within the branch, and to my knowledge, no one has ever had an issue with me. I am very dedicated to the Nu7 career path. And although my application may not be the best, I hope you can see just how much I want to become Warrant Officer.




You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: First I would ask the PFC what is bothering them. I would then try to calm them down so we can have a rational talk, with words not being spoken in anger. I would tell them that they should not be disrespectful to anyone, even if someone is bothering them. And that if someone is bothering them, they should bring it to a command member, or if the person is a command member, bring it up to someone higher in rank than said member. 


You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: I would bring it to attention of a higher command member than them if they were a command member. However, if they are an NCO or enlisted, I would contact them and communicate with them to stop the issue from re-occurring.

Edited by Voxial
got ca

Current: CI Military Private, Junior Maintenance

Former: Nu-7 DHFTO 2LT, Delta-5 WO, Research Supervisor, RRH Analyst Alpha 19SCP-RP Event Team Member, SCP-RP Senior Moderator

Jetstream Sam Enthusiast | Gloveless Individual


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Knows what he is doing

Good application

I think he would be a great addition to command

~ RRH Engineer Whiskey 6 | AMM SCS Dagger

SCP RP Former ~ Retired AMM Dagger | Certs/Sub-Branches: SFTO, ACSM, MMF Jan 2 Febreze DGR6, HLPR Bot dG6 | RRH Engineer Whiskey Retired MTF Nu7 2LT Dagger | HTF A4 Reaper C5 | SCA Valkyr DGR6Enoch Approved | Certs/Sub-Branches: DHFTO, SFE, SMCU, STR, SBHM, JCBRN | Former MTF D5 PFC Dagger DG6 | Former CI LCPL Dagger | Certs/Sub-Branches: Hotshot/CQOP 

Imperial RP Former ~ Former SF SP Dagger 0268 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Regimental Engineer, Cobra Squadron Captain | Former Purge SSGT Dagger DG21 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Brawler Tactical Specialist | Retired ST 2LT Dagger 0268 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Scoutrooper Senior, Shoretrooper Captain, Regimental Engineer | Former DT CPL S19/DG6 | Certs/Sub-Branches: Seeker Company, Sarlacc Company | Former Royal Guard II Dagger | Former IQ Lord I Dagger | Former Imperial RP Moderator

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4 minutes ago, FusionThunder said:


You want a shadow when you hit wo?


hell yeah lmao

  • Laughing 1

Current: CI Military Private, Junior Maintenance

Former: Nu-7 DHFTO 2LT, Delta-5 WO, Research Supervisor, RRH Analyst Alpha 19SCP-RP Event Team Member, SCP-RP Senior Moderator

Jetstream Sam Enthusiast | Gloveless Individual


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10 hours ago, DaggerLess said:



Knows what he is doing

Good application

I think he would be a great addition to command

~ RRH Engineer Whiskey 6 | AMM SCS Dagger

jump pls

  • Laughing 1

SCP-RP | Maintenance Expert | HLPR Bot bT5 | Senior Researcher | Senior Event Team Member

Custom Classes | Umbrella Corporation Operative


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11 hours ago, DaggerLess said:



Knows what he is doing

Good application

I think he would be a great addition to command

~ RRH Engineer Whiskey 6 | AMM SCS Dagger


Retired Nu-7 Vice Commander Pure

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I dont usually pay attention to who's online in Nu7 but I always see Voxial on.

  • Sad 1

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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Has shown great dedication to the branch, especially the FTO program.

Good app

I think its definitely possible for you to jump a rank

SCP-RP: CI 2LT | SEC 2LT | Lumberjack Union Chief Logging Operator, S4 Avium SL1 | Retired Research Supervisor | Retired CI 2LT, 1LT | 2x Former SEC 1LT, Retired CPT Former WC Nemesis | Former Nu7 HFTO MAJ/A3 Tesla | Retired Admin

CCs: MTF Rev 26 'Vigilant Hero' | Vonzen Plushie | STARS | D-9177 'The Pill' | CI TF2 Heavy

Achievements: Staff Of The Month | 11x Staff Of The Week

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-Always on Nu-7 and helps out whenever he can

-a good person to hang around with and to talk to

- kind and always a helping hand

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: MAJ 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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Great Ranks, especially in Sub-branches
amazing at call outs
Knows how to lead when stuff goes down
understands when to be jokey and when to be serious!


Former -{Longest Purge VCMDR} {EXP Researcher} {CI LCPL x2} {Maintenance Professional{CI RnD Supervisory Agent}{MTF Nu7 1LT } {HTF Zealot}

OWNER OF {The Eternal Twins{Phantom Squadron{MTF Kairos-01 'Sola Fide'{A Group of Psychos}

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On 3/28/2022 at 12:15 PM, ShadowRiders- said:


-Always on Nu-7 and helps out whenever he can

-a good person to hang around with and to talk to

- kind and always a helping hand


                                                                                                                                      spacer.pngI keep a stiff upper lip and I shoot, shoot, shoot from the hip I got a stiff upper lip, come on baby.                                   

Retired Nu7 Captain/Maintenance OM

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