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Shadow's Application For Agent Kallus

Gideon Hask Shadow

Should I be Agent Kallus?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be Agent Kallus?

    • Yes Please explain why
    • No Please explain why

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :Shadow


2. What Regiment are you applying for? I am Applying  for a Admiral Position Known as Agent Kallus.


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would Like to be a commander of this branch because I would like to see this battalion and other battalions Interact more with others. I would also Like to help this branch in anyway I possibly can. I would love to see everything going as smoothly as physically possible.  I would also like for us to be one of the most interactive Battalions. I know naval Is in a very bad Place right now and I Would like to change that. I want everyone's Opinions issues problem and ETC to be heard. I have been Getting Report of Other not Feeling Like they belong Or feel included. Naval To me Is Like My family and so Is Gaminglight And I want Others to feel Included In this family we have here in Naval. I want To Recruit Many More People TO DT,Shock, Naval and Other battalions. I would like to see Naval Become One of the best Battalions With the most activity as well as both Shock and DT. I would Like to See way Bigger Opportunity's For Shock DT Naval and Others.  I will Try And Do as many sims and Missions With other battalions to make them feel included in This family we have here In GamingLight. I would also like to See us beat our Max record of DT and Shock on.


4. How much game time do you have on the server? I have 931:55 and this is my Battlemetrics. https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/963574855?servers[4604844]=1M


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The Main Purpose to be a Admiral for naval otherwise known as kallus is to Watch over LC Enlisted Supervisors and make sure everything here in naval is going as Smoothly as possible. We are to keep the Battalions In check at all times. We are to be serious at all times as we are a role model to Naval. We are to exceed our Expectations and go Beyond what we are told to do. They are to Hit THeir Goals at all times. We are Not supposed to lash out and make others be afraid to ask questions. We are supposed to be Understanding and caring.  We are supposed to be Very competnet when it comes to dealing with Reports.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I think I should be trusted for many reasons. My reputations has grown in naval for my Caring Respectfulness and understanding and caring altitude i have in naval. I feel i am a Great leader and A very Honest one. I have been A Maj in Both Havoc and Nova.  Naval I Believe is the Second Battalion I have Joined I have Put a lot of Time, Effort and Efincy into naval. I know Majority of the rules In Naval and some in DT and Shock as I used to be a Security Officer. I have worked with Shock before. I interact With Many Different Battalions.  I believe Being in naval this long And Being Tenn Graneet has Really help me become the nice and caring person i Am Today. 


7. How often can you be Online? :2-14 Hours a Day Sir.. I will Be on at Both Night time and Daytime.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :Yes 1 For misuse of player Report system which was pretty long ago. 

 I appreciate you taking Your time and Effort to read my application and I hope you have a wonderful day.-Rear Admiral Shadow

Edited by ShadowNaval

Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍

SCP/Medical Senior-Command/Manager/Head of Field Work 




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1 hour ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍

Best of luck

   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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1 hour ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍

Best Of Luck!

ImperialRP SMT & Head Admin

Former Marshal Commander

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7 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍


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7 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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8 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍


Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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13 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍


i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

Former: Imperial High Command | Deathtrooper Senior Commander | Senior Admin | Senior Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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13 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍


Former IF Commanding Officer| Former Nova Commanding Officer| 
|Former Naval Low Command Member|

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19 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍


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+ Support

  • Active asf ( mf lives on ImperialRP )
  • Literally the most dedicated mf to Naval
  • Favorite GO I've had
  • Professional
  • Overall great dude

Good Luck!

Current: Outside enjoyer

Ex: Tenn Graneet/Vice Admiral || Purge BTO CSM Daddy || E-11 SFC MageZX || Security SGT MageZX || GM III || DT HVE 1SG SK3

onigiri eating GIF

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On 2/19/2022 at 10:14 AM, Darth Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍


Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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On 2/19/2022 at 4:14 PM, Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍

You deserve it buddy!

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On 2/19/2022 at 6:14 AM, Zefer said:

+ huge support 

He might be young he has potential of being one of the greats in Naval 

- dedicated 

- friendly 

- been apart of Naval for so long and never said the words quit 

- as it stands right now he's really the only choice for the position 

- spite being young he has one of the best leadership skills in Naval 

- would make a excellent Admiral 

Over all I think Shadow deserves it given all he's been through in Naval. 

Guy doesn't say die. 

Good luck 👍


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We appreciate your interest in joining the navy command team, however, at the time we do not deem you fit for the position. You may re-apply in 2 weeks.

Edited by 0din

Resigned Grand Moff Tarkin | Retired Army General | Former Senior Commander of Death Troopers |



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